United 93

MichiMikey said:
Uh...no. Gump is a STORY, it's a movie, pure fiction. 93 is an account of what happened told to make money, but it is still all to real, and still based mostly upon speculation.
You show me where it says United 93 is a 100% accurate account of what happened and I'll concede.
I really don't see the point in making a movie like this, but to each their own. It's not like anyone is forcing people to watch it. The events of 9/11 are things that I choose to deal with on my own, however something like this may bring some clarity to someone else or at least help them to understand. Is it going to be 100% accurate? Probably not, but most history books are full of lies. I come from a country that celebrates Columbus day, because he allegedly discovered America. Well, if he discovered America, who were those Indians that were already here? A fuckin' mirage??? Every part of history is scewed. From what I read, it sounds like the producers and writers were trying to use as much information to make it as true as they can. I can't fault them for making the effort to do something right. No one else does.
Karina_666 said:
I really don't see the point in making a movie like this, but to each their own. It's not like anyone is forcing people to watch it. The events of 9/11 are things that I choose to deal with on my own, however something like this may bring some clarity to someone else or at least help them to understand. Is it going to be 100% accurate? Probably not, but most history books are full of lies. I come from a country that celebrates Columbus day, because he allegedly discovered America. Well, if he discovered America, who were those Indians that were already here? A fuckin' mirage??? Every part of history is scewed. From what I read, it sounds like the producers and writers were trying to use as much information to make it as true as they can. I can't fault them for making the effort to do something right. No one else does.
Someone said that history has always been written by conquerors. I wonder what would be "their" version of what happened on 09/11...
I want to see this movie but I don't know it may be to soon. I'm man enough to admit that every time I see the trailer I get teary eyed.

I don't really care what anyone says, those passengers were down right HEROES.
I saw this movie on Sunday. wow, it was tough but done nicely. They had real United pilots along with some of the air traffic controllers who worked that morning in the movie. I think even that head guy who was on his first day is also the same guy playing that character in the movie.

I have never heard a movie theater so quiet through out. It took this type of movie to shut people up and to keep their cell phones off.