United 93

Everyone has their own opinions on that day. I'm a history buff, and one day September 11th will come out in the open and we will know what really happened, just like every other major event in history
I don't think there is anything wrong with shooting down a hi-jacked plane. In most circumstances anyway. In the case of the pentagon, meh, probably best not to shoot it down since virtually no one was hurt from inside the building since they "knew" it was coming anyway.

If it had been other circumstances, like the planes that hit the WTC, I say shoot the fuckers down when they are over the water. You kill a couple hundred people, but you just saved a couple thousand. So it's sad as hell, but, it's worth it. I don't know, I am about halfway throug that movie that you guys posted - it is interesting (I am a really big fan of propaganda) but I don't know how much I want to believe all of it. Some stuff in there I totally agree with (the FBI taking the security tapes from the gas station, the "other" random explosions, the lack of debris) - that is all shady stuff - but on the other hand I am not an expert on these things at all. And speculation is fun, but, I usually just leave it at that.
JohnThrax said:
Ok, so you are saying that there is a reasonable explanation for them not being able to recover ANY signigicant wreckage when the plane crashed directly into the ground, as opposed to TWA Flight 800, which crashed into water and they were able to recover 70% of the plane? Or how about EVERY OTHER PLANE CRASH IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD where there is massive amounts of wreckage.

Dont think to hard now...

ok, plane crash genius. why not start here.

That was sickening to watch.
I don't know what to believe, just what I want to believe.
Wouldn't a history buff want to take in all sides of the story even if the story went against what you think happened?
The conspiracy stories dont fit together well either.
No one has it right now and don't hold your breath because they never will.
Thrillho said:
I don't think there is anything wrong with shooting down a hi-jacked plane. In most circumstances anyway. In the case of the pentagon, meh, probably best not to shoot it down since virtually no one was hurt from inside the building since they "knew" it was coming anyway.

If it had been other circumstances, like the planes that hit the WTC, I say shoot the fuckers down when they are over the water. You kill a couple hundred people, but you just saved a couple thousand. So it's sad as hell, but, it's worth it. I don't know, I am about halfway throug that movie that you guys posted - it is interesting (I am a really big fan of propaganda) but I don't know how much I want to believe all of it. Some stuff in there I totally agree with (the FBI taking the security tapes from the gas station, the "other" random explosions, the lack of debris) - that is all shady stuff - but on the other hand I am not an expert on these things at all. And speculation is fun, but, I usually just leave it at that.

There were some speculation if the people on flight 93 could have taken control. There was a former rugby player and a couple of other strong men on flight. If I was on the plain I would hope they would give me a chance to take control before shooting it down. Then again it's a big gamble. What if I fail, then by not shooting it down you lose many more lives to give me an effor to save my own?
JohnThrax said:
Everyone has their own opinions on that day. I'm a history buff, and one day September 11th will come out in the open and we will know what really happened, just like every other major event in history

Not in our life time will we know what exactly happened. I want to see this movie, I saw the other one that came out. Its hard to belive it happened almost 5 years ago. To this day when they show the wtc on tv and the events of that day I tear up--friends lost for no reason what so ever
Too soon for me. It's hard for me to watch the real footage of that day sometimes (which i think needs to be given a rest once and a while) . I have friends that went this weekend but, I declined their invitation to go. To each there own.
since nobody but the government knows exactly what happened on 9/11, I'm not going to go watch some Hollywood bullshit trying to tell me what happened, fuck this movie
Come on people, it's a movie! It was done tastefully and respectfully to the poor people who lost their lives on that flight, and there is LOTS of speculation as to what really happened. Is it really so bad to speculate that they were really brave and did what most people wouldn't?

Just out of curiosity, do you freak out when Forrest Gump pulled down his pants in front of Lyndon Johnson, screaming "That never happened!"

...or did it? :rolleyes:
dd316 said:
Come on people, it's a movie! It was done tastefully and respectfully to the poor people who lost their lives on that flight, and there is LOTS of speculation as to what really happened. Is it really so bad to speculate that they were really brave and did what most people wouldn't?

Just out of curiosity, do you freak out when Forrest Gump pulled down his pants in front of Lyndon Johnson, screaming "That never happened!"

...or did it? :rolleyes:

and like earlier, I believe that popular mechanics site debunked that pretty well. "pm was forced to do that by the government". have some stupid response to any explanation of the events.
Gump is a story. This is reality.....BIG DIFFERENCE. And like you said, TOO much speculation. I feel this should have been back-burnered, at least for a while.
MichiMikey said:
Gump is a story. This is reality.....BIG DIFFERENCE.
No, both are fictionalized stories based on real events. Both stories took historically accurate events and put in things that COULD have happened.
dd316 said:
No, both are fictionalized stories based on real events. Both stories took historically accurate events and put in things that COULD have happened.

Uh...no. Gump is a STORY, it's a movie, pure fiction. 93 is an account of what happened told to make money, but it is still all to real, and still based mostly upon speculation.