Old fart on this board
Before the break up, our vocalist left the band and we felt a great relief because he was too much of a dominator in the band. We felt like we could relax and just write music that fit everyone in the band, so we decided to do it very democratic and on equal terms. The result is this: (that's right, nothing)
Going a bit OT here: In my last band we had the same "democratic" situation with everything else but writing the music. During the five years that I was part of it we had a total of 4 (FOUR) gigs. One of those was an acoustic thing as a trio with me (bassist) and the drummer playing guitars because our guitar "hero" decided to tell us about week before the gig that he couldn't make it as he couldn't get day off from work (he hadn't even asked) and our other guitarist had final exams to attend to. Everyone knew about the gig more than 6 months before the date. But I digress.
Two of the gigs we were asked to play by the drummers workmates and two was arranged by me. Everyone talked all the time about how it would be cool to play live but no one got off their arse to do anything about it (including me). Everyone was equally responsible and no one did anything. It was like everyone was waiting for something to appear from thin air. And that is just one example.
That's demoracy I guess, nobody gets what everybody wants because they all expect someone else to do something about it.
In short, the result was pretty much the same as in Gojira's case.
I have to go with that democracy is bullshit when it comes to songwriting. Most bands need one or two who writes the majority of the stuff. This is what my experience tells me so far, and I don't see it changing so.... be the tyrant you gotta be. The others might think it sucks but hey, then it's their responsibility to turn the tide and make it not suck and if they won't do that, they'll end up dropping out.
Slightly back on topic: Our drummer wrote pretty much all the songs as it was (is) his band to begin with. He said in the beginning that it would be desirable that others wrote songs and presented ideas etc. too, as he wanted it to be a real band and not his solo project.
Out of about 25 songs we had there was two that had any outside input on them, one had chorus (music and lyrics) that was not written by him and one had lyrics that we wrote together. Others had songs and ideas but unless anyone had a complete song with music, lyrics and everything ready (and in my personal experience, not even then) it was disregarded by the drummer. He said he wanted our input on the music and when someone did just that, it had no effect on anything whatsoever. After a while nobody bothered to say anything at all anymore.
Once he brought a half ready (although he saw it fully complete) song expecting us to rehearse it to our setlist. 3 out of 5 didn't like the song in the form it was brought to us and didn't want to rehearse a half-ready, half assed song (as that's what it really was). And we told him that. Yet we couldn't change anything in the song as he didn't want the song to be changed as it was so personal to him. We played the song few times in rehearsals (before voicing our opinion) and it wasn't dropped from the so called setlist until I just refused to play it. And that is just one example.
The band is still together (At least I haven't heard they wouldn't be), I left some time ago.
The point of this long ass rambling? Fuck if I know, but at least I got some of it off my chest.