Another new djenty polymetricy song up! (axe fx, s2.0 etc.)


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys, just finished this song, came across an old idea i recorded today, so decided to make a song with it, the fadeout sounds sort of wierd, but i couldn't seem to ever be happy with it

In this mix i used my old method of guitar chain, with alot of boosts around the 2.5-7khz marks, so it sounds a little more harsh than usual, do you think it's better or worse?

Anyway, hope you enjoy the song, think of it as a christmas gift? Hopefully not a bad one!

Very good! Did you make the design for the myspace page by yourself? I like it a lot.
Are you using custom cabinets in your Axe FX?
Very good! Did you make the design for the myspace page by yourself? I like it a lot.
Are you using custom cabinets in your Axe FX?

Thanks! It's acctually by thinking imagery, Ben is awesome!

And nah, it's the german 4x12 i'm using :)
Boosted up the snare in the 200hz region, forgot to add that the first time round :erk: Oh and My audio technica headphones are still fooked :rolleyes:
Really? I've never heard that from anyone else, and it's always the same mix I do, well I tried fixing it up with a few minor changes to see if it makes any difference for you, reduced cymbals 10k and fixed up the room mic

No post processing was done to the cymbals before, it was allll s2.0, so that's wierd...

Hope it helps though, let me know what you think! :)
Ok just uploading the new mix now, took down the cymbals a little bit and put up the guitars a tad, does sound alittle better balanced now :) Thanks, i think i'd like to call this the final mix, i find if i mess with it too much, it ends up worse than better.
Your mixes sound always really good, especially the drums but the guitars even with low tuning sounds too dark. Dont have enough clarity/brightness. This is always subjective and a matter of taste of course. But hear some pro mixes even with low tuning for reference and you will notice that.
Boooya! really nice one!

the guitarsound is very nice indeed. but as allready told if you manage to make it less washed and add a lil highs it would be great.
because i think that way you could hear the notes clearer...guess that kind of washedness doesnt fit ur playing style too well...too much playing gets lost this way.
but i know what you mean with f*cuking around with mixes too much...always ends with a lot of headache and hours of time wasted
Amazing song and mix dude! Tho I must agree with the previous comments about the guitars lacking highs. Also I think the snare could lose some body and get some more high end, but that's down to personal preferences. Otherwise the snare rocks too. Does it happen to be the Pearl 2 snare btw :kickass: ?

Edit. I just realized this was S2, not DFHS 1. Oh well
Awesome song!
Cymbals are still a little harsh though and guitars could do with a little more air.
holymotherfuckingshit, is that sound that i'm trying to get on guitar. @_@

perfect work, dude, congrats.