Another new mix, NOT metal- but for a metal CD

I like the nylon sound and the composition. I absolutely LOATHE the synth "licks" in the part where it plays a melody instead of just a chord. They sound reaaaally terrible there. Just stay with long sustained notes and everything is fine ...

Arrangement wise the "synth licks" even clash with the guitar playing in those parts (too busy overall).

Other than that I like it!
Haha, the nylon string stuff is actually pretty funny. The guitar is an Esteban! I don't own a nylon string guitar, and the only one I could find to borrow was from a friend of mine whose father owns an Esteban. He let me borrow it and it actually plays OK. The intonation isn't the best, but it works. Anyway, the guitar is an acoustic electric nylon string, so I blended the piezo output of the guitar with a Samson C03 condenser I have. The C03 is the same mic I use for vocals. I like it pretty well.

I placed it towards the back of the soundhole, about 8 inches away and a little lower than the soundhole, pointing up towards the soundhole at about 30 degree angle. Double tracked the rhythm arpeggios panned left and right about 60%.

The lead line is the same miking and DI from the guit, single tracked up the middle.

I'm not a real strong fingerpicker, and I have no nails, so I grouped the rhythms and added some compression and verb to smooth it out. I comped the lead track to to bring it out a bit more and fiddled a bit with the comp settings to simulate a better "nail attack".
Sounds awesome, I love the composition. But I'd definitely rid of those synth lines. I'd keep the sustained synth chords, but synth lead lines completely ruin it IMO.
hey man - i checked myspace - some reprisalish and mostomaltish stuff is there that i realy like!
keep it going
sounds really cool man,i liked the synth composition too but not how they sound,maybe replacing the synth would make the interlude better..or not ^^',anyway the guitar is really cool \m/
It really surprised me. When I was talking to my friend about how I was looking for a nylon string to use, he said his dad had one, "but, dude, it's an Esteban." He let me borrow it and I did some test clips and we were both pretty amazed. The guitar is actually built pretty decently, for a guitar that cost $100. I went to the local GC and played a variety of classicals ranging from 300-1500 and the Esteban compared pretty comparably to some of the 300 dollar ones, but it seems like once I got past 600 bucks, the quality and playability far, far surpassed the Esteban. Surprise, surpirse, eh?