Another new mix - guitar tone test mix...


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
So, I've posted a couple threads about trying to get some good guitar tones on our new CD...Here's my latest test.

Drums are dry (dead room and nothing fancy on them yet) and it's pretty repetitive without the vox, bass or synths.

I'm digging this tone on all my available sound sources, so I'm pretty happy.


Quad tracked, 2 6505+ tracks, 2 Divinity tracks (L and R each).

Miked sinlge 57 on axis about an inch off the edge of the dustcap, about 2 inches from the grill

Another 57 on another speaker about 2 inches from edge of dustcap but pointing towards the dustcap off axis and blended -3dB with the on axis 57.
Well, I don't think there is any room ambience, as the room is quite dead. There is technically not any single guitars either, as even when the guitars cut to just one side, it's still multi-tracked. Maybe that's what you are hearing (i.e. not so tight playing, hehe)? I also have some really quiet guitar crap in the background, that may be clouding it a bit...I'll have to take that out. I may also cut to just one single guitar track for certain parts for clarity.

I may have to boost the presence, though. I set the tone they way I like it, and thought it would be a neutral platform in which subtle EQ changes wouldn't drastically change the tone, and it is a bit dark which is what I generally like best. As is, there is no EQ tweaking at all, just straight miked tone. I always EQ to fit the mix, so adding presence will probably be necessary once everything else is added in.

Thanks for the comments. I'm still not 100% satisfied, but I don't think I'll ever be, so this will have to work.

It's always easier to get tone for other bands, but finding one for myself is really tough.