miked 6505+ clip


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana

Quad tracked with my white Viper 301 with 18volt EMG 81.
Miked where the dustcap meets the cone with an SM57 on a Celestion Vintage 30 in my Madison 4x12. The 57 was on axis about an 1 1/2 inches from the grill. The cab has a metal grill that I didn't remove, so I don't know if that makes any difference.

Boosted with a Maxon OD808

Bass was my Viper DI'd into my Firepod, pitch shifted an octave with a ton of compression, some EQ, some Quadra Fuzz (Cubase/Nuendo plugin), with a little bit of Rbass on the Bottoms Up setting.

drums are Addictive Drums demo, so just kick, snare, HH and crash. I replaced the demo's kick and snare with some samples that sounded better.

Nice tone man, full, but a bit distant. That's not to say it's bad - it actually has more air. Have you tried micing it closer to the grill?

A tad dark too, maybe try it with some more presence?

yeah, listening back it sounds a tad distant and dark.

This was a test and I've already dismantled the setup, hehe...When I have a real reason to mic it up again, I'll probably take the grill off and get a little closer. I'm wondering if the metal grill of the cab is reflecting some of the tone a little...Just enough to make it sound a little funky and dark.
I like it, although I would try some multiband compression, compressing the really high upper mids a tad, then raising there level to a bit higher than what it would be without compression. Also cut a bit of mud.

Have you cut a bit of the really high end of your mix? because the cymbals sound a bit "closed", im not sure how to describe it.

Overall its nice tho. :)

boost was Maxon OD808 with the overdrive set on 8:00, balance on 4:00, tone on 10:00.

The last clip I posted is my favorite of them all, so here's the settings for it:

6505+ was lead channel

pre gain - 6 (yes, I used a lot of gain)
bass - 7
mids - 4
highs - 6
post gain - 4
resonance - 7
presence - 8