Another new thread


Skyfire wants you!
Nov 27, 2001
Lund, Sweden
Damn it, I just started a new thread and posted a lot of interesting information, but now it's gone?!?! :mad:

Anyway, I wrote something about Skyfire's weekend in Västerås. A lot of rehearsing, beer, photographing, more beer and rehearsal, junk food etc. I'll make Henke to update the website with some of the many fucked up photos we took :)
"i will have exclusive interviews.. never before seen photos.. complete detailed biographies"
hahaha =) therefore you must either convince the guys to tell you or - what I suspect more - make them remember various stories themselves :p :devil:
Originally posted by opacity
"i will have exclusive interviews.. never before seen photos.. complete detailed biographies"
hahaha =) therefore you must either convince the guys to tell you or - what I suspect more - make them remember various stories themselves :p :devil:
I'll tell him everything I know :p