Another noob Axe FX question :(


Jan 29, 2012
I really like my Axe but when playing through my cab (Atomic Reactor) but when recording, I'm getting very poor sustain. Obviously, not good if you are recording a melody with long notes :(

I even notice this issue with rhythm patches. My 8 string isn't the best guitar in the world but it sounds decent through the cab but when recording, I have to literally pick the living shit out of the higher strings to get them to even ring!

Is this just a symptom of how the Axe is when going direct or is there something I'm doing wrong?
I can't listen to the clip right now cause I'm at work but based on what you're describing it sounds like your gate is set too tight.

And no, it's not normal. I can sustain for days recording with the Axe. You've got something set up wrong.
It's not evident in the clip I posted, that's just a part of a song I'm working on.

Thanks for your reply. I will investigate the gate settings.