Another random act...

Jun 21, 2005
B'klyn, NY
WICHITA, Kan. - Two emaciated girls who told police they ate only when their father wasn’t traveling on business were hospitalized after police found them in an advanced state of starvation.
“It’s the worst case of malnutrition I’ve ever seen,” said police Lt. E.J. Bastian. The 6- and 7-year-old girls were found Friday in a home’s basement, were they were kept.
The girls’ stepmother, whose biological children were found healthy and well-fed upstairs, was taken in for questioning. Their father, traveling on business, was to be questioned when he returned, police said.
State social workers discovered the girls after receiving a tip and checking on their welfare. They then called police.
The two girls told police they ate whenever their father was home, which wasn’t a lot. With the father gone this week and next week, “they were really hoping they could eat this weekend,” Bastian said.
Healthy stepsiblings
The house had plenty of food, and the stepsiblings, a 4-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, were well cared for, Bastian said. They have been placed in protective custody, where the emaciated girls also will go once they leave the hospital.
A doctor told police it didn’t appear the girls had eaten in six days or had anything to drink in three days, despite recent temperatures above 100 degrees.
But it was obvious the girls had been starved for much longer than that, he said.
“This isn’t a six-day starvation,” Bastian quoted a doctor as telling a police officer. “Obviously, these kids have been starved for quite a while.”
Wow. That made me sick. People just suck. Honestly, that just makes me sick and angry. Angry on that cold calculating calm sort of way. I still say there should be open hunting on assholes season.
Unbelievable. How do they keep these things a secret for so long? You would think someone would have found out about this before now!
I have zero sympathy for people these days. Send the bitch to solitary and leave her sorry ass there. I wonder how the father didn't know about this. I mean I understand that he wasn't around much for work but really, how oblivious can you be. And, if you are that oblivious to your kids, then maybe your fucking ass shouldn't have custody of them either.

Is it just me or does it seem like these stories get worse as time goes on? In the last few years, here in Jersey, there was a family that were foster parents to kids (I think anyway, the details of these stories all start to blend together). The boys were starved so badly and for so long that the one of the boy's growth was stunted by it. The girls, though, were all fed.
eighteeschick said:
Is it just me or does it seem like these stories get worse as time goes on?
I don't really think so. Actually I'd say stories like this probably happened more back in the day then they do now. It was easier to get away with it then and the media wasn't there to report these things all over the world in a matter of hours after the fact like they do now. There's always been sick fucking bastards out there and there always will be I'm afraid.
What's really sad is all the thousands of people who are dying to be parents but can't, and have to settle for fostering and adoption, while shit like this goes on. I wish people would give away their unwanted kids so they at least have a chance, instead of shit like this going on.

And I certainly hope that the girls' biological mother is dead for HER not to be ringing any bells about this. And there's no way the dad didn't know. If he's gone for a week and the girls don't eat in that time, there's no way he has no idea when he walks in the door.
KY_Fried442 said:
I don't really think so. Actually I'd say stories like this probably happened more back in the day then they do now. It was easier to get away with it then and the media wasn't there to report these things all over the world in a matter of hours after the fact like they do now. There's always been sick fucking bastards out there and there always will be I'm afraid.

I think that way about the act of murder itself. There sounds like there are so many murders but like you said, the media wasn't there to report it. If something happened in NYC doesn't mean you would hear it in LA. Also, there are so many more people nowadays than there were back then, that 500 people murdered in NYC sounds like a lot (that's a random number I'm throwing out there) but if there are a million residents, 500 isn't that many. 1 murdered person is 1 too many, but you get the drift of where I am going with this.

I hope you are right about these other crimes though. I get sickened when I hear about some of the horrible things that criminals do these days, butchering 16 year old girls, beheading pregnant women, killing kids and dumping them in trash bins, etc. Society is fucked up in a big way.
In autocratic societies these "parents" would be doing 25 of hard labor with no possibility of parole.
I'm glad you put the word parents in quotation marks!
I still don't know how anyone can starve a child. I feel bad when my kids won't eat a full plate (or any portion thereof) that's put in front of them, because they're refusing to eat it. I can't even imagine not providing said plate.