Another random act...

[Society is fucked up in a big way.[/QUOTE]

I used to do clerical work for a social worker assigned to similar cases to the one above, and it's sickening to know that these things happen right in our back yard. The most disheartening thing about it, is that there are so many more than just this or any of the others we've heard about. Even the ones that get saved by the authorities, like these kids, are going to have a hard time adjusting emotionally, even if they end up being adopted into in a loving, caring environment. The father should be beaten for his neglect and sent away for a long time. The stepmother should have a lengthy prison sentence. How does one starve a child and be able to live with themself?
Here's the answer the loser "dad" and "step mom" are tied up!!! and they hang with me. I cut them with a knife and poor in a little salt then let the rhotwheilers take a nibble every now and then. then repeat. I thought of this after the Oklahoma City bombings and the familys hurt.

See kids are in the most part defenseless - this is off topic but when people praise Kurt No-Brain they forget when he pulled the trigger he left a daughter
behind. What a fucking pussy. I'm not perfect but when mijo was born my life became second.
DarbysDad said:
... this is off topic but when people praise Kurt No-Brain they forget when he pulled the trigger he left a daughter
But in all fairness to kurt, at least he made sure his daughter had 1 good, responsible parent to raise her!:rolleyes:
KY_Fried442 said:
I don't really think so. Actually I'd say stories like this probably happened more back in the day then they do now. It was easier to get away with it then and the media wasn't there to report these things all over the world in a matter of hours after the fact like they do now. There's always been sick fucking bastards out there and there always will be I'm afraid.

I agree, back in the day handicaped peole had to live with the animals in the barn. In some parts of the world it´s still common if they don´t kill the kid when they´re born.

My mom talked to a woman from Iran and she was so surprised to see so many handicaped people everywhere here. In Iran, at least in the countryside they´re still kept in the outhouse.

Makes you wonder how many unwanted kids that are kept hidden all over the planet. Actually this is one of the reasons I´m pro-choice. If people can´t take care of the kids, don´t put them in a fucking basement.