Another reamp request

elephant-audio said:
Any chance you could brighten the vocal tracks up a bit? Maybe a hi-pass would help some...They seem really muffled to me, or rather like they have too many lows...or something lol.


Dude how were you able to download these? They end up as Text files, changing the exstention didn't work either. Unless you did it on a PC?
Shadow_Walker said:
I'm downloading the files right now. In less than an hour it should be ready.
At first when I heard the XXX I though there's an unpleasant room sound but after a cut in the mids it sounds pretty nice :)
I really apreciate your time and efforts. Could you by any chance reamp the other 3 songs with the XXX (and with a slight mid cut and a little more lows) ? Let me know so that I delete these and upload the other. I will gladly upload the submixes afterwards (after I delete the other di files to free up space ;) )

edit: I forgot to thank e.a. for the advice and MKS for the good intentions :) Cheers!
sure, post them up
working on it now, I am recutting all of them with a heavier tone, could take a while to upload all that, so I will take down whats up there, upload the new stuff, then if you like that sound Ill put up the old ones again with the new sound
Yeah it's cool but unfortunately, it didn't blend in very well so I used the tracks a friend made in the last moment.