Another Revelations Thread


Apr 14, 2008
Yesterday I was listening to Revelations and I think I broke on through. This time I am pretty sure I understood what the hell its about. No joke. My life is now fulfilled. I'd like to know what you think of this:

"Just a babe in a black abyss
No reason for a place like this
"The walls are cold and souls cry out in pain"

A type of hell realm he is in, and he must be new to it since he is a babe. My guess is this hell realm is an inner realm of the mind.

"An easy way for the blind to go"

If you don't know how to manipulate magic or inner spiritual work, you just get drawn in without realizing what you are doing.

"A clever path for the fools who know"

Aha. By using black magic, or some sort of energy manipulation, one who is trained in this, can manipulate to his liking. A fool in this case I think refers to a high level of spirituality. Not an idiot. One who can have the innocence as a child, but in a higher consciousness kind of way.

"The secret of the hanged man - the smile on his lips"

The secret of what the hell this Tarot card is about, meaning the card is a guy hung, but he cracks a little grim, as there is wisdom in pain or in this hell realm. To know what The Hanged Man is thinking.

"The light of the blind you'll see"

The inner light. Not the light needed with our eyes.

"The venom that tears my spine"

Oh shit! Check this out: This is the kundalini serpent force that comes from the base of the spine and rises to the head in ancient Eastern alchemy. As he is reaching full knowing or enlightenment, it is piercing up his spine. So fuckin cool!

"The eyes of the nile are opening - you'll see"

Yeah baby! All our ancient wisdom originates in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia and Egypt, and what they were seeing you will see by doing this type of magic or spiritual work. You just got to open it.

"She came to me with a serpents kiss
As the eye of the sun rose on her lips
Moonlight catches silver tears I cry"

Eye of sun? I love this one. The all seeing eye! The top of the pyramid on the dollar bill. Th ancient world were sun worshippers and the eye of god was the eye of the sun. He's crying from the beauty of this heightened awareness.

"So we lay in a black embrace
And the seed is sown in a holy place
And I watched and I waited for the dawn"

Deep in the dark realm that he is exploring where many fear to go because its too "evil" he embraces the darkside of the Force, and from there sews a seed in a holy place and waits to go through it to the light, like the coming of the dawn.

"Bind all of us together
Ablaze of hope and free"

He finds the oneness or at least sees the potential of it and wants the oneness.

"No storm or heavy weather
Will rock the boat you'll see"

Since he becomes so grounded in his new spiritual insight, nothing can shake him. "A rock and not to roll"

"The time has come to close your eyes
And still the wind and rain"

Meditate and get in that spiritual state he just attained to "bind all of us together". Still the mind.

"For the one who will be king
The watcher in the ring"

Holy shit! Check this out: In meditation you become the observer of thoughts. The observer of the cycling thoughts and whatever cycles of the universe. You are the watcher of the circle. The watcher in the ring.

"It is you"

You can attain this knowledge and wisdom too. Its in all of us.

I really think I pretty much nailed it, though only Bruce truly knows. My guess is this is based partly on Bruce's experience with meditation, and his reading about others experience of this such as Crowley, and wrote a song based on this inner journey.

Fuck yeah!