Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
i haven't seen the spiritual realm but i have touched the FACE OF MADNESS
speaking of drug mistakes
speaking of drug mistakes
NADatar said:Last night I had a dream I cut my hair and started wearing shiny shirts. I forced myself awake, it sucked. My right arm was asleep still, I should've done the Stranger but all I could think about was how bad I had to whiz.
Décadent said:Re-evaluating in what sense?
lizard said:I would tender that it's not the flock that sucks, but the shepherds of said flock, who all too frequently manipulate their sheep for selfish gain and power. Christianity at its core is not a hateful, spiteful religion, but one which reaches out to the poor and the afflicted, not one which castigates and pillories(sp)
Christ himself reached out to lepers, whores, and tax collectors, the most reviled figures of his day. Hard to reconcile that approach with the Falwells and Dobsons of today.
One can make a huge case that Saul/Paul of Tarsus coopted the teachings of Christ for his own, and if you look at the timelines, it didn't take him long. Paul was NOT one of the apostles.
KILL TULLY said:Simply put, to me, the problem with the pop-culture Christianity of today is that it only presents people with a Spiritual End-point ie: Accept Jesus, go to heaven. There is no cultivation of a spiritual journy at all, which is the most important part of religion.
Dick Sirloin said:Exactly! And, on the other hand, most atheists dismiss anything remotely spiritual based on the stigma modern Christianity has created.