Another Song Question


Sep 30, 2002
This is probably a silly question, but at the same time I think it's interesting getting into the minds of the band members and figuring out what they were thinking at the time they wrote a particular song.

In the song "At death's door" there's a part in the middle that sounds like a hammer hitting a stake. Could this be the case (as if someone feels a stake going through their heart at the loss of a loved one) or did you all just like how this effect (I'm assuming it's the keyboard) sounded or was there another motive? This is a very powerful song. I find it fun to search for subtle things like this in Enchant's music. Seems like when I've heard the same Enchant song for many years I still continue to find new things in it that I hadn't noticed earlier.

One last quick question about this song as well - I believe Paul Craddick wrote the lyrics, but while writing them does the part talking about "standing on a cliff" reflect a real place? Is there a particular cliff in or near San Francisco that Paul was referring to?

Thanks for looking at my questions.
Sorry to take so long with this one, great question I always love these posts.

I have not been able to reach Paul yet and ask him, and forgot to ask Doug today earlier but will Jeff.

I am not sure of the cliff or location around the Bay Area but I imagine there is probably a spot. Paul wrote the lyrics after losing a loved pet, his cat actually and captured to feelings of despair and loss that a person would have after losing anyone they are close with in a very powerful way.

I think we all have visions and imaginations of images when we hear music and yours is a good one. I always imagined the nail or spike in the coffin when hearing this myself and that particular part of the song still gives me chills when we are performing it live. It is just a very powerful piece of music and lyrics. Always was and always will be one of my very favorites no matter how many times we play it! It has been a tough one to perform at times after we have lost freinds and family members as is What to Say.

Hey thank you for the question, I will ask the man himself again in a few weeks when I see him in person.
Great stuff! I really enjoy those kind of postings, thanks to both of you Ed and jyng! Great to have the band members here!