Another Tone/Mix test (Opinions please)

did you low pass?

Maybe if you dull the top end of the tone down a little? I don't really know, I'm a newb. lol. It sounds good, but idk. There's something with the guitar tone.

The drums, particularly the hihat sounds pretty programmed. Maybe if you went to half time on a cymbal instead of riding the hihat throughout the whole song? Or just fix the velocities of the hi hat if you don't wanna mess with the feel of the song.

But yah. I like it. :) lol
Ya i spent little time of the drums. Ill try to make em sound a little more convincing.

I low pass at around 100hz and i boost around 3-4k, and i think theres another boost at 1k. Maybe i should bring it down a tad, these monitors make everything sounds super flat so im always trying to compensate with raising the treb...

Thanks for the input.
you mean high pass at 100hz...? lol

I don't know how experienced you are, but I have been trying to "dull" my tones down. I have noticed that a lot of good tones don't have the piercing high end that I was getting when I boosted up in the high freq. I actually low pass and high pass, I don't know if a lot of guys do that, but it works better for me as of lately.