another weird but more stupid dream for your interpretation


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
So I was dreaming that I was arguing with Toby over the Dream Theater Scenes From a Memory album. I was explaining how much it ruled while it was playing and Toby just kept saying how much it sucked and then all of a sudden there was music equipment set up in my living room and shadows fall started playing a show and all these people came in and my room kept getting bigger and kept getting trashed.

then i woke up.
I had a really weird dream last night. And the weirdest part is that I can't remember a damn thing that happend, but I know for damn sure that it was weird. I do remember ravioli and that my apartment was an old Walmart, but that's it.
I had a pretty funny dream one time.

I was in my room, and it was this really big war room. I had my own country and it was about the size of my city. I also had researched nuclear weapons, and I hid the nuke under my bed. I went downstairs for some OJ and when I came back, there were twelve fucking space koalas running around in my room. I quickly ran to another room and thought "Fuck! Those goddamn space koalas are looking for my nuke!" I decided that they must be stopped. I ran into my room and started screaming at those fucking space koalas, but they overpowered me and took me captive. And then I woke up.