Weird dreams


is behind you.
May 25, 2001
New Hampshire
What's the weirdest you've ever had?

Last night I had the scariest dream I've ever had. I was in school, and I asked to go to the nurse because there was a bone sticking out of my back. When I got in the room, everything went black and white like a really old movie, and really weird music was playing, just repeating the same 4 notes over and over. There was a guy sitting on a bed when I got in, and on the other side, his mother was hooked up to a life support thingy, dying. I don't know how I knew she was close to death, but I could just feel it.

When I woke up, that music was playing from the TV in the living room.
I had this dream the night of the 29th. I got up the next morning and typed what I could remember. One of the most vivid and definitely one of the strangest I've had.

Dream starts out, I'm working at my old camera store and another store in the same mall.
My store's been redesigned so it looks like a cooking show, and the employees work and
drink wine while cooking.
I leave work, and go to see a movie, with someone. Don't know who.

It's Final Fantasy, or rather, it's supposed to be.

It begins like this:

Pastoral scene, suddenly a huge, serpent-like dragon tears up through the earth, then back down again, it has two heads. one red, one black. To start the movie, you have to touch the red-head. After that, the two heads become one and are quite dangerous. The first time, I miss touching it, and the combined heads are bearing down on me. So we reset the movie and touch it the second time. My finger burns as if it's been in hot-sauce for some time.


We're inside the movie, and we're elephants. We watch as the dragon spirals through the air and back into the ground, the entire place shaking as if in an earthquake. Once it's subsided, we try to move between two nearby buildings, but can't fit. (elephants are big).. My companion says "something is wrong. Something is different. I could always fit between the green and the white buildings." so we tried to push them, and they slid back away from each other with relative ease. As we pass through, we notice that all the surrounding buildings have left lines in the sandy earth - they've all slid somewhat.

We're human now, Asian, I think. And we run, trying to find our children or child as all the buildings and walls shift between us. Running through a house, the doors are sealed off as we pass by them, almost like this force that's shifting the walls is following us. Hallways shrink and close off completely. The sense of danger is VERY real. The landscape is shifting, and it's cut like a movie, following one character then the next. It's no longer first-person. Running into a stairway, the first thing I see is a vertical vent-shaft, its opening filling the door frame and as I approach it, it swings back/morphs to be perfect vertical between the stairs. I find a door, and go outside, the walls still closing in around us. I call to my wife/companion to follow. Outside, there's a large wire/mesh barrier, about 15 feet from the building. I run alongside it until I find a hole, and escape.

Finally, we find our child and move into the street, where many wounded and bleeding townsfolk are sitting. As I sit, comforting my child, a large car, and two pickup trucks pull up. It's my wife and friends, determined to take me and my child away from the fiasco. I go into one of the pickup trucks, and there's a TV that's on in the front seat. I ask if I can turn it off, but my friend in the back seat says no. So I sit between the TV and the seat.

Later, don't know how much later..

Inside a large complex, designed to house the refugees from this ordeal with the dragon and shifting walls. This building seems to be impervious to the walls moving, so it's generally safe. It's got high ceilings, vaguely purple walls, and a generally "airport" feeling to it. There, all family members are safe. But the dragon begins to tear through the bulding anew - anyone who touches it dies, so there is pandemonium. People flee to a safe area, and relax there, until the dragon arrives to that location as well.

I'm me now, no longer Asian, and I no longer know what's happened to my companion and our child..

People, radicals, begin to set off bombs, yelling "This one is 3000 pounds of explosives!" before setting them off. People are dying all around, but I seem to avoid being hit. My mother (my actualy mother..) and my best friend's mother are there, and I try to shelter them as one person sets off a 3000lb bomb, then immediately and in the opposite direction, andother sets off a 5000lb bomb (again, announcing the size).. I manage to avoid being hurt, somehow.

Just then, someone yells "This entire place is wired with 120,000lbs of expolosives!" and everyone begins to run. Down a small hallway, near an administrative office, the dragon's tail is sitting, inert. It's yellow and plasticky, and as I brush up against it, i can feel it twitch, and a heat rise. My mother nearly touches it, but I pull her away.

the image zooms out to show a schematic of the entire complex, and it shows how well wired the entire place is with explosives.

The majority of the rest didn't come back to me that morning..

But the ending of it is..

I end up being a teacher at an inner-city high school. One day, only one student is in my class, a young black boy. He says he's been studying his English and French, and I ask his name - and I realize that he's my son, who I haven't seen for years. The dream ends.


I know that the Asian element and the bombs are likely because I watched "The Killing Fields" that night. The rest, I have no idea.
This dream happened days after I had been stung by 6 bees.

I was walking out my back porch door into the back yard on a nice summer day. I heard buzzing in my back yard, and out of the trees came a small swarm of bees.

I scambled into the house, and slammed the porch door shut, and sighed in relief. I heard the bees buzzing outside. Then (of course), the door knob started to move. I knew the door was locked, so I wasn't worried. But what I wasn't prepared for were the bees using the stingers as saws, and they cut the doorknob off. I ran towards the back of my house.

As I hit the corner in the living room, I looked over my shoulder and saw the bees coming through the opening they made. My next move was to jump into the hall closet and close the door.

The bees hung out in front of the door, and buzz-laughed at me. The door knob started to move, but since there was no lock, I held on, but to no avail. As the door swung open, I woke up.
Two more short ones:

I had a laundry shoot in my house when I was a kid. One night, I opened the shoot because I thought I heard something. I did - I heard Rocky yelling at Bullwinkle not to go into the boiler room. He started screaming at Bullwinkle, but no response. Then I heard Bullwinkle scream as he burned himself to death (or so I thought) - then I awake.

I was standing in a subway station, and this subway car passed through the station. As the car moved into the tunnel, I heard lots of screaming. The train disappeared into the dark, and then I heard the horrific sound of the crash.
The dream wasn't the real problem. I know I went to bed before 11:00PM that night. The next morning, I read the newspaper, and there had been a terrible subway crash in London. The problem was it happened around 2AM my time. Now how the hell could I have heard about it? It still freaks me out - I guess I should research it - I must have some tie to it.
Ive had this dream and it seems to happen only when I take a nap at 5pm. So I dream it is morning and time to get up and get ready for the day. Thats when I actually wake up and look at the clock and I see it is 8:00 so I begin to panic because I have to be to school in 10 minutes or i'm late (yes I am one of those people that cannot be late for anything :cool: ). So I get dressed run for the door and then it comes to me that it is only 8:00pm. I really hate that.
Xtokalon - yeah, just last week, oddly enough.

Anyways, you guys opened a bigass can of worms with this tread. Since I regularly write ramblings my dreams often appear in there, so I have a nice backlog to copy-paste RIGHT IN HERE! Mwuahahahaha.... (to pseudo-quote Satori)

Each paragraph is a complete dream, as I remember them. It mentions all oddities, confusing and sudden plot twists and fallicies of logic completely casually. There are also constant references to people that none of you know, some under aliases... not much I can do about all that, though. Prepare yourselves for utter surreality. (Is that a word?)

So I'm going back to the CANCoach office (software company I used to work at) with Chris and Cam is with us. Of course, the building is in Gastown, as opposed to the West End, and is nothing like the actual office. Cam has to use the bathroom, which he does, except it's a gigantic futuristic-looking wide open room with a ladder leading about 2 stories up where there is a single futuristic-looking urinal, up on a sort of loft. As he pisses (into the urinal) it comes down like a waterfall and Chris makes some kind of joke about how you have to watch where you're standing. I'm working there, at CANCoach, again, and resolve all of my issues with the individuals I was pretty sure didn't really like me. So, we proceed to do laundry in the basement of the office (?), then we stop at a mall while on our way to some company event, for which I take a bunch of people in the van. I went looking for a costume for some sort of role-playing game with a couple of guys, and, conveniently, it's a costume of the Riddler I just happen to be looking for. I can't seem to find any green bowlers, but when I do, they're only sold in six-packs, much like Save-on-Food's cinnamon rolls. However, they also sold green fedoras without any tops, just brims. I was working at IHOP, yet also, somehow, not really. I went down to the restaurant at 9:00 PM, early for the start of my shift, needing to change clothes. I go into the men's washroom, and find myself confused when Susanna is in it. Then, some other random female customer walks in and I realize that the men's and women's washrooms are connected by a door usually kept shut, except that I found it open and unwittingly walked through it... I wasn't quite thinking clearly in the dream - it was as if I was drunk. These washrooms are also oddly spacious. Then, I got embittered, along with the cooks, that they moved the air hockey table into the women's washroom AGAIN. Somehow ended up getting dropped off by Hosehead (driving my Accord) on some elaborate structure floating in Burrard Inlet, near Port Moody. The structure is a cross between some sort of dock/anchored raft and a children's wooden playground set. It's raining profusely. I listen to "Stairway to Heaven" and air guitar the solo crazily, then find an obscure early Metallica album that has ONLY tracks (it starts at 11 for some reason) 11-16. All of the track titles are in a Scandanavian language, except for track 15, which is entitled "Be (A Polish Chick)". The CD was blank. And, there was no CD playing device of any kind to be found, or speakers.

So basically, this really tough 40-year-old guy wants to beat me up, and Derf is trying to stop him. The reason he wants to beat me is because I failed to rent a video from a little white wooden stand outside of the restauraunt. I was supposed to get one of the 3 tapes kept in stock before they were all rented out, but failed. To stop the guy, Derf sang the Nightwish song "Come Cover Me", which sports operatic female vocals. He sang it perfectly. At that point I woke up, probably my brain's way of sparing myself.

All of my CD's had different cover art. Discussed with local filmmaker Howie Woo how the director should walk out onscreen in the last few minutes of any film and demand immediate verbal feedback from the audience. I claimed it would start a revolution in filmmaking. Fred was forced to confront a random garden-tool wielding man in a random house. I ran into a friend of mine and and Tom Cruise backstage on the set of Ally McBeal and got trapped in a dark room with them somehow. I noticed that the word "Loviathin" was on a large poster of a nighttime urban scene and the bar code on the bottom-left corner of the poster contained the letters "NowIR1". I was motorcycling with my motorcycle buds (all of us in full biker regalia, leather and all) across... presumably the American Midwest (dusty roads, wide open spaces and a very hot day), on our way to my high school ten-year reunion. When we arrived at the reunion, I was taken upstairs to look at apartments, one of which had a nice view of downtown Vancouver as seen from the Grandview area. It was a really small apartment. The security guard at Bridge Studios gave me back my bank card. Jason from theatresports (can't remember his last name), along with his 10-year old brother or sister (I couldn't tell) apparently there as some kind of hostage, hijacked me and my car. He forced me holding a gun to the child's head to drive back to my house. When we got there, I daringly jumped out of the car and dashed around to the trunk to get my shotgun... which I apparently keep in my trunk. However, Jason had disappeared. Then, I noticed him inside my house through the front room window and I shot him.

Dark Tranquillity, member by member, became a chick band, one of which was Jennifer Love Hewitt. I was hanging out with the band outside of what appeared to be the back of some warehouse and she decided flashing passing traffic would be fun. We went inside the warehouse-type place which appeared to be an apartment building. I went to my apartment to change then met up with them in theirs and hung around in a hot tub for awhile. Then, I left to go back to my room which somehow became a large athletic facility containing a pool where the Olympics were being held. Tiffany-Amber Theissen won a medal for Canada for some swimming event, and actually set a world record, for which she recieved an overty long celebratory kiss from me, which was apparently a tradition for World Record setters. From there I went back to the Dark Tranquility girls' place which turned itself into a massive aquatic complex which was round and three stories high... with a water level that could range for occasion from filling all the way to the top floor or just the bottom one. It was a really cool spectacle of modern technology. The DT girls were, of course, present, as was some IHOP staff or associated individuals. I somehow in there came to notice that I was all out of Irish Cream. Going down to the bottom floor of this complex, I found myself AS The Rock in a WWF Title showdown against the Undertaker. However... it was not a wrestling match, but rather, a "gauntlet"-type event that had us running around completing all sorts of tasks, both physical and mental. The event was overseen by B.C. premier Gordon Campbell.

The dream begins with me traveling back in time - I might be Michael J. Fox, I'm not sure. In the past, the world is covered with water and specifically, the area around Minnekhada Park is swampy and surrounded in water and it's just inside on the shore of this anciently extended ocean that I find myself. Of course, the Lodge is there and it's only about 100 years ago. I race along the dock/pathway to the lodge, my steps weighed down by my rubber-like legs finding it difficult to propel me along the wooden surface which for some reason feels far more like bog. Arriving at the front door, the official timekeeper declares I made it in 2 minutes and 44 seconds, a new record. I enter the lodge, which is actually some form of hotel. I go to room 1, and the hotel guy is harassing me (as I'm clearly there for no purpose and have no money), but the people in room 1 cover for me, say I'm with them, and let me in. I get myself a drink, which is a bottled carbonated peach beverage that has the peach pit floating around inside. I hand one to a mildly attractive dark-haired female whom I quickly seduce <heh... just like in real life!>. The lodge becomes a town and the room part of one hotel of many in a flashy Las Vegas meets Whistler Villiage-like atmosphere. There's an award winning scene where Norm MacDonald has a lengthy intellectual discussion with some woman, until I meet up with them and we stop as we wander into a concert of sorts and I don't want us to be too loud and disturb the show, we leave. The town is run by a sheriff with the power of the law and there's an incident involving some chinese dancers and some white gun-toting yahoos who try to attack them. They are caught by the sheriff's men, and he orders their immediate execution there on the street. Somehow, I have a discussion with some guy that the best form of execution is "drowning by leaky submarine" because it's the easiest form of execution to escape from and get away. I run back to the hotel villa to look for a picture book belonging to a small chinese girl who was killed in the incident, this book being the key to my getting back to the present. I work my way through the apparent multitude of hotel rooms I (and not her) stayed in, in backwards chronological order. In that journey I find that one of the hotels is the lobby for CDIS, and Chris and Ramin are there. At some point I have a conversation with "my chick" and explain why I have to go back to the present and she can't come with me. Then, sequences of the dream are revisited, out of order, in greater detail, until I wake up.
Lately I've been seeing this dream of a man dressed in a cloak that reminds me of a shepherd standing on a high cliff and looking at me, but I can't see his face, only his red, gloomy eyes.

In another frequent dream I travel through a field of corn towards a cabin where some old, black woman sits on the porch, playing guitar and singing. Her name is Mother Abagail.

Ok, seriously, I remember seeing some really weird and disturbing dreams lately, but can't remember any details of them right now., nor can I remember seeing any particularly unforgettable weird dream in the past. Which is a shame, I like dreams. :)
I saw this dream like two years ago or something...

I was with my uncle, his son (--->my cousin!), my friend's mother and someone...can't recall who. And I said "Hey, let's gangbang!". So my uncle thrusted his fingers into my ass. And I was like "No, man, no, fuck me really, lose the fingers!" And he didn't, so I think I physically attacked him for that.

Thank you for allowing me to share this delightful experience :grin:
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Dark Tranquillity, member by member, became a chick band, one of which was Jennifer Love Hewitt


Why don't I ever have thatkinda dreams?!!?!? Mikael Stanne, one of the sexiest males on earth, who has turned to be Jennifer Love Hewitt, the sexiest woman on earth. FUCK I'm just so jealous!!! :goggly:

Next time, try to get it on tape, please? :lol:
Well, it's funny, I tape most of my dreams, I just happened to miss that one. Damn psionic video generation device... ALWAYS acting up... I wish those Glugorbs were a little more on the ball when it came to things like that. Big-headed freaks...
Originally posted by Hearse
Do you guys usually know when your dreaming?
Can you shape your own dreams?
If I could do that, I'd have to change my underwear twice a night :lol:

Nah...I've been there a couple of times, usually when flying in my dreams. That's when it usually happens to most people. It's called lucid dreaming (you probably knew that) and to most people it's a skill they can master by practicing. If you can't do it just like that, be happy. I've never been patient enough to learn it.
yeah, lucid dreaming is a fascinating concept and the notion of flying, in particular, apparently seems to be somewhat triggering to gaining control of lucid dreaming - I've heard the concepts linked almost every time it seems. (My understanding of the concept is admittedly sketchy at best... I should read up on it...) Oh, and of course, you're all familiar with Queensryche's "Silent Lucidity"?

And I too generally forget my dreams moments after waking up. The only way I remembered these (the above) ones is because one day I decided I wanted to start recording them. So, when I'd wake up I'd think about them really hard, try to remember them, and I put a pad of paper and a pen beside my bed so I could jot notes when I woke up. It was an interesting little study, needless to say...
Oooh, good timing. Since I was 12 I started having these dreams where I always died at the end, like nearly every night. Then last nite i didn't die at the end :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I ended up killing the bloke that was trying to kill me! How good is that?

One of my friends can lucid dream which really pisses me off. She can wake up in the middle of a dream go to college etc. then when she goes to bed like 16 hours later carry on the dream where she left off. How good would that be?

I love silent lucidity - I've got as really good studio acoustic version :)
One of my most wierdest dreams, i dreamed when i was about... gosh... 13?

or something..

I was in Paris, and this little baby had started crawling upwards the Bow of Triumph.. (?) dunno what you call it, in swedish anyway its Triumf-bågen.. And i of course, was the ONLY one who ever would be able to save it.. so i climbed up, and caught it on the top.. And i held it up to the sky, as a sign of victory.. And everybody was like: "Yaaaay! hooray for Daniel".. ;)

But then, the goddamn thing broke.. and i was falling to the ground, and exactly the moment before i hit it, i woke up..

Has anybody of you, dreamed that you have been falling.. and kept on dreaming, after the landing?
Originally posted by Hearse

Do you guys usually know when your dreaming?
Can you shape your own dreams?

Ha ha ha Read THis then man .
A few weeks ago , as I can remember , I was driving home from Port Saunders , and I was in the back seat asleep , I had a very short dream , and a very cool one but I woke up , so I was tryin to get back to sleep to see if I could have the same dream , as I started to get back to sleep I started to have the dream to soon , and it was kind of like I was half asleep or something , It was the longest dream I ever had and I couldn't wake up for the longest time , In the dream I was at my ex-girlfriends house drinkin or something , and then everything just started fading away , And I got up and left the house .

When I was outside all the house's faded away and I could see for miles , it was crazy , If I looked one way I could see Sweden and if I looked another way I could see Vancouver and everything . Then everything just went away , i't didn't go black it was like I wasn't dreaming anymore , and I was just walking for miles and miles , Then I just started screaming for someone to wake me up , after about 10 minutes of that I stopped and I could see again so I sat down somewhere , and just started to think what was happening . All I can remember after that was thinkin about ways that I could wake myself up , then I just sat there and said out loud , "I'm not even alive anymore" , I thought I had gotten into a car crash and died , then I was talkin to myself and sayin something like "So there is no god , I was right I this fuckin time" , Then I just seen this big flash , and the fuckin picture that was on my wall , and it was on fire or something then i woke up .
Wow! What a crazy lot! lol I’m just as bad. Duvall, did you have the “Langdoliers” –(sp?) in mind that night of dragon dream? Anyways...I’ve got one.

It happens in the sticks, most called it, where I lived. My parents leave for the night. I start locking everything. At every window, about 10 feet away is a small boy covered in something that resembles mud. And he’s just staring at me with these big white eyes. As I go around the house locking things up (which is the majority of the dream) it gets darker outside and at each window, I have to strain to see if the boy was still there. The darker it gets, I notice his expression changes from nothingness to “you’ll be sorry when it’s dark.” And at the last window, it’s dark but I can see that he’s not there anymore and that’s bad. lol Messed up stuff. I’ve had that one about 5 times.

Originally posted by splump Has anybody of you, dreamed that you have been falling.. and kept on dreaming, after the landing?
I had to add something after reading that one. I had a dream that I was in a building that had a huge platform outside of a door, and it was miles above the ground. I went to the edge and looked and the gravity was all weird and it pulled me over. It didn't take that long to get to the ground, but before I did my legs felt really long and I touched the ground with one leg, like...30 feet before the ground and bounced in a big leap and I went up and soared through the air for a few seconds and then go back down and bouncing way up again. It was fun. Never had a dream like that ever again.

There was another one...I fell in the ocean, and I couldn't get back to the surface, and I was running out of air and I knew I was going to drown...but I had to inhale. So I did. And I could breath in the water. I could taste the salt in it. That was 1 of the 2 times I realized I was dreaming. The other time I was like 4 and I dreamt that Godzilla was real small and he walked in my bedroom. But I knew I was dreaming so it was OK. :spin:
