Opeth Dreams

I actually saw a VERY weird dream last night.
I was supposedly in Sweden and I was on a train with my friends, and Mikael was the guy that was checking if the passangers had tickets. Then the train crashed and we all died.
I am deeply interested in Oneironology and therefore keep a dream log. I pulled this one out of the archives that has to do with Opeth:


I was at a concert for a man that apparently wrote all of Opeth's music. He looked a lot like one of the teachers at school who's name I forget. He was bald, and was wearing glasses. He also had a slight beard and was wearing a plaid shirt. It was an entirely acoustic concert and the only band was him with his acoustic guitar. He sang as well. The lighting was mostly red that occasionally faded into magenta or orange. Somehow, even though the thought that Mikael Akerfeldt wrote Opeth's music, it made perfect sense to me that this man had written the songs. I thought perhaps that Mikael never took credit for them at all and I was just delusional. He didn't play any Opeth songs but he played his own (or rather my own) acoustic songs that were reminiscent of Opeth's atmosphere. I noted that he had a much less beautiful singing voice than Mikael Akerfeldt.

Also one of my ideas in a lucid dream is to watch a movie production of Still Life but I haven't done that yet... :)
a dream got me really into Opeth ^^
at first i only listened to Damnation, never listened to any of their other songs.... i only knew it was kinda deathmetalish with growls and stuff and wasnt really into that kind of music at that time...
but then once i dreamt i listened to Blackwater Park (the song) and it was just AWESOME! (it didnt sound anything like the real bwp tho :P ) and the next day it listened to blackwater park and some other songs and i was just totaly blown away, it didnt sound anything like all those "regular" metalbands out there...
Now Opeth is my favourite band for almost 3 years or so ^^
I don't visually dream. Only when drunk. But when I wake up I'm just not sure if it really was a dream or not. I don't see how I could dream something with Opeth included. It's my favourite band but they don't reach my subconcious enough. I don't feel intimate with them. I just love it.
just last night i had a very weird dream, this is how it went: somehow i heard that mikael was in some house sitting on a stove (like a heater) and fell off of it, and for some reason because of this he wanted to buy it.. (wtf i know). somehow i knew the address to this house and was walking through a neighborhood when just my luck i see the house with the same address. i walk in and my grandmother is the owner of this house. i ask to buy the stove so that i can give it to mike, she says its worth $600 but because i'm family she'll let me have it for $109. the dream ends there.
I don't visually dream. Only when drunk. But when I wake up I'm just not sure if it really was a dream or not. I don't see how I could dream something with Opeth included. It's my favourite band but they don't reach my subconcious enough. I don't feel intimate with them. I just love it.

Everyone visually dreams, you simply don't recall those dreams.
yesterday Opeth played here in the Netherlands on a festival wich i missed :( and in october they will be here again together with Dream Theater and two other prog rock bands but i already know i cant be there either :( i wonder if im ever gonna see em live... :(
its pretty much my dream xD
I once had a dream I was in World War II. Probably because I was playing COD before I slept.
I had some weird looking Tommy Gun that every time I would shoot in short bursts, it would sound like the outro to Deliverance.

I don't understand why this was funny. I woke up thinking "Well, that was weird... and epic."
I haven't had any more Opeth dreams since that last weird one, lol.

I still haven't forgetten it though, it was so odd...