Weird things


Nov 1, 2001
es-POO, Finland
Don't be afraid, this won't come to a habit, me making threads ;)

I was just wondering if there is something weird which has happened to you, or keeps happening.

For instance; I was once at this one guy's house, sitting on the sofa, watching the TV. It was daytime. Suddenly the lights switched on, no one had pushed the switcher (?) and I was alone in that room. Then they went off, and after a short moment, lights went on again. This happened few times, and in the end they were on. When the guy came back, I said about the lights, and he said he hadn't been playing with them. He said, this thing had happened before, and other odd things too, like knocking, foot steps, cd-player went on no one being in the room... :confused: Do you have similar experiences?

And this too...This happens almost every day. When my friends and I are discussing, we speak at the same time. Like, we're having a break (long or short, doesn't matter), and suddenly all of us start talking and excatly with the same sentence. Or, someone says something, and then the rest of us say at the same time "hey, I was thinking excatly the same" or "I was just about to say the same thing". Or something like this. Can we read each others minds? :err: What about this, do you have experiences?
Every single night I look at the clock when it's 11:11. I don't look out for it, but I just glance and there it is: 11:11. Have I got some sort of timer built into my head?
Originally posted by rustymetal
Every single night I look at the clock when it's 11:11. I don't look out for it, but I just glance and there it is: 11:11. Have I got some sort of timer built into my head?
Or it is time to change the battery ;) :p Sorry. This kind of thing has happened to me too. It was about during two weeks I woke up every morning at the same time, no alarm clock or anything else to wake me. It was like "bing!" every morning at the same time.
Originally posted by rustymetal
Every single night I look at the clock when it's 11:11. I don't look out for it, but I just glance and there it is: 11:11. Have I got some sort of timer built into my head?

i've noticed that exact same thing, and came to a conclusion...1) 11:11 is a more memorable and noticable time (assuming you have a digital clock) that say your more likely to notice that time 2) 11:11am and 11:11pm are two times of the day when most ppl are awake so therefore you have twice the chance of seeing those numbers, than 5:37am and 5:37pm
~Zeanra~: He said, this thing had happened before, and other odd things too, like knocking, foot steps, cd-player went on no one being in the room...

So, what's the place got a ghost or something? Foot steps?
OOooOOOoooOOOhhh! Sorry. (uh-hem)

There is something I've noticed that's been puzzling me for almost a year now. I'm magically drawn to this forum every chance I get. :p

NP: "Outcast with dogmas forged below."
You might find this eerie:

When I first moved into my place, I had heard rumors that someone had died of natural causes in the master bedroom. Now, not being superstitious, I really didn't give it much thought. About a week after we moved in, I went to walk into the bedroom, and I had this weird sensation enter my body once I crossed one foot over the threshhold. To say that I turned right around and fled is an understatement. So anyway, I wrote it off as the jitters and kept living my life.

One day, my son falls asleep on my bed (this is not typical, since he has his own room). He was still wetting the bed at this time, and that night he had an accident. In the morning, when I picked him up to put him in the tub and removed the sheet, A PERFECTLY SHAPED HEART (formed from the urine) WAS ON THE BED. This freaked me out! This was the room where that person had died! Sometimes it makes me wonder.....
That's pretty wild about the lights going on and off. Could they be on a timer or something that shuts them on and off at dusk/dawn? Were other electrical devices in the room continuing to operate?

Bizarre! :)

Last year, one of my friends was convinced that there was a ghost in her dorm room. She was totally superstitous and the likes, so I decided to have fun with her. The girl, Jules, had friends over to do Ouji board bullshit. There were maybe 9 of'em. I got her roomate to let me in to their room before hand and I took the remotes for all of her electronics. When they were doing the Ouji board I stood outside and waited for Jules roomate to signal to me that they had said something to the effect of "Show me a sign you are here" or something. I hit all the remotes and turned on the TV, both stereos and started fucking with them. Everyone freaked out.:lol: :lol: :lol: classic moment...

I DID have a wierd moment once. I have never believed in ghosts or anything, and I still don't think I do. But, one time I was walking from my car to my house at maybe 3 AM and I looked to my left and I could have sworn I saw an old man standing maybe 3 feet from me. I jumped and yelled, but when I refocused there was nothing there. I don't know if it was because I was tired or what, but man, I'm getting freaked just talking about it...
well there was this one time... I don't believe in ghosts at all or anything, but it was like 3 AM and we were drinking at my house and one of my friends wanted us to walk him home (dunno why, but there was only 3 of us left at my house and we were bored so we did it) So he only lives like 4 blocks away so it's not a big deal. Anyway we walk him home and drop him off. On the way back to my house (i live pretty much overlooking a creek with some trees inbetween the creek and my street) we are walking along and we see this like blue and white person standing in an opening in the trees looking up and facing the creek... so me and the 2 guys with me are like "hey, what're you doin?"... well it slowly turns around and looks at us for like 2 seconds... then turns around again... well at like the exact same time me and all of my buddies notice that this person is like a foot off the ground... (we were maybe 50 feet from the person)... so all at once we're like "what the fuck, let's get out of here!" so we all ran home. It was totally weird... dunno what it was we saw, since none of us believe in ghosts. Maybe we were all just a little too drunk :)
Originally posted by Sadistik
I DID have a wierd moment once. I have never believed in ghosts or anything, and I still don't think I do. But, one time I was walking from my car to my house at maybe 3 AM and I looked to my left and I could have sworn I saw an old man standing maybe 3 feet from me. I jumped and yelled, but when I refocused there was nothing there. I don't know if it was because I was tired or what, but man, I'm getting freaked just talking about it...

This is a very common thing that happens to a lot of people, so it's not as weird as you might think! ;)

Bumble, that is one fucking weird story, it gave me goose-bumps!

Shit, why can't I see stuff like this?

I would love to visit a haunted house or something, that would extremely cool.

If anyone here has a haunted house, how about inviting me over for a weekend? hehehh

My dad's house had some mysterious happenings..

A couple years ago, he was having the hill beside his house dug out to build a new garage (the old garage was to become a workshop..). During the excavation, he found an arrowhead.

Anyway, the television began to turn itself on in the middle of the night. The dog (which is all but silent until someone pulls into the driveway) began to bark and act extremely erratic. And finally, the vacuum cleaner turned itself on when it wasn't plugged in.

Oh, and my father had a terrible nightmare involving me, but he wouldn't tell me what it was about..

He's not normally the superstitious type at all, but he threw the arrowhead back into the wooded area behind his house and things have been calm since. Not sure how much I believe, but it's interesting to say the least.

Satori: What do you think you would think if you had such an experience?
Originally posted by rustymetal
Every single night I look at the clock when it's 11:11. I don't look out for it, but I just glance and there it is: 11:11. Have I got some sort of timer built into my head?

This same thing happens to me! :eek:
We've got friends who own this restaurant/function place which is located in this huge old house. On a few occaisions guests have seen a little boy dressed in blue in one of the rooms but when they ask the owners about him they say no children live in the house and none have come to the restaurant.
At night they hear footsteps etc and one night they heard this almighty CRASH. they had two thoughts- either someone had crashed a car through their front windows or their shelves of wine had collapsed. But when they went to check it out, nothing was broken or fallen.

My Gramps died last year and Nan keeps his ashes in her wardrobe so they can be scattered together. One night Nan woke up to see this pattern of coloured light shining around the room. Her wardrobe was open and her torch was on, shining on the coloured container of ashes creating the pattern. It wasn't as if this torch could have fallen and turned itself on... it was one of those huge dolphin torches with the hard switches!
Originally posted by Satori
That's pretty wild about the lights going on and off. Could they be on a timer or something that shuts them on and off at dusk/dawn? Were other electrical devices in the room continuing to operate?

Bizarre! :)


It's a pretty old house, there are no modern things, like timers and stuff. That IS bizarre :err:
Whenever I am on the phone,at exactly 10:34 a strange beeping occurs....And then a faster form of the beeping happens again at 10:38..

Uh... dude... that's your phone going flat. :lol: :lol: :lol: