reverie/harlequin forest


Jan 10, 2008
on, in the session diaries for orchid, mike says that the mastering or something got fucked up, and that the ending of "requiem" was supposed to be the beginning to "the apostle in triumph." i thought i had read somewhere that the same thing happened with "atonement" and "reverie/harelequin forest." i don't know where i got this from and i'm very sorry if i'm mistaken. when i heard that, i was like, well the little instrumental part at the end of "atonement"must be the "reverie", and then the whole of track 5 was supposed to just be called "harlequin forest". i'm sure i'm wrong on this but i'd appreciate if anyone could tell me if this is correct or not. thanks
If I recall correctly, it was the intended effect. Still, have you tried putting the cd in a cd-player? As soon as Reverie starts, my cd-player starts counting negatively. 0.00 marks the beginning of Harlequin Forest, so yeah track 5 per se is more Harlequin than Reverie/Harlequin Forest.
that's what i thought, that the little outtro to 'atonement" was the "reverie", it could have been a mistake in the mastering, that's what i read somewhere. then again, it could just as well be mike fucking with us, lol. he seems to like to do that a lot these days. :p
There is no mistake. "Reverie" is a so-called "pregap-track". If you play CD on some player (not PC), "Atonement" ends at 5:21 and then starts reversed countdown of "Reverie": -1:06, -1:05, -1:04 and so on. When it counts to 0:00, there "Harlequin Forest" starts. Actually, "Reverie" is not an ending of 4th track (Atonement) and not a beginning of 5th track "Harlequin Forest". It's a track in between 4th and 5th. If you rip album in MP3, it rips to the end of 4th track.

I think it's a nice idea, while it makes some confusion. Bur it still good for me. I mean, "Reverie" is too short to be in separate track - "For Absent Friends" and "Patterns in the Ivy" are more complex in that way. But "Reverie" is also too complex to be a part of "Atonement" or "Harlequin Forest". Whatever, it's good idea, I love that little thing.
Atonement is oddly one of my favorites. It has a strange desertish vibe to it. I really loved the Reverie portion as well. It's such a good progression; nice beautiful melody. And then Harlequin Forest kicks ass. Excellent flow in this portion of the album.
The main riff...when it first came out, and I heard it, it instantly reminded me of the Heart song The Night off the brigade album. Then, afew weeks pass, I'm on the Opeth site, and Mikael had Ann and Nancy Wilson listed as influences. So, I wasn't nuts after all! Well......I have my moments....
I had Ghost Reveries for almost three months before I geard Reverie! Usually, I have my Cd player on random, and Reverie does not play at the end of Atonement or the beginning of Harlequin Forest that way.
hey i sometimes pop in GR and skip right to harelquin forest, simply because i love listening to that song, not that i don't love the tracks preceeding it. while i fully understand and appreciate that most opeth volumes are meant to be enjoyed as a whole, i still sometimes have the urge to listen to a specific song. it doesn't make anyone less of an opeth fan or less appreciative of any specific songs.

[stupid personal opinion] it seems like there are too many people on here who are overly concerned about what defines a true opeth fan. i don't think you have to have attended a show or purchases paraphenalia to qualify as a true fan. the only requirement that i consider is that you have to truly be able to enjoy actual real music, played by talented musicians who sing/play from thier hearts and dont' necessarily release music that will be accepatble by the public or the critics or even their own management. some ppl say you can't be a true opeth fan if you didn't start listening to them after a certain year and that's bullshit. or if you've never seen them live you're not a true fan, also bullshit. some people are not able to see them live. some people live in the buttcrack of american society where bands like opeth never tour, but other cheesy kiddy "rock" bands like nickelback or linkin park do. but i am not in the least bit interested in bands like that, i like opeth and if all i get to see of them live is the docs and shit on youtube, then i can live with that but i still consider myself a true fan. true opeth fans don't listen to any of the shit that passes for metal music these days[/stupid personal opinion]
^i think its about the dude going to the forest doing some shit satan tells him
I think Harlequin Forest kind of sums up the content of the whole album in one song. It starts with this guy leaving his town (Baying of the Hounds) and ends with the "still pyre smouldering" (The Grand Conjuration) when he came back and burnt down his former town due to the deamons that posess him...
At least this is how I see the song in the context of the whole album.

Awesome Song by the way.