the Attonement/Reverie thingy

wankerness said:
And moonlapse - yeah, that would be one way to combat piracy (putting the entire album as negative time before track 1), but it would sure annoy the shit out of everyone cause you'd have to rewind through the entire album first and only have it as one track :)

it wouldn't really combat privacy I don't think, all it'd be doing is screwing over the people who actually bought the CD... the album would still end up on the internet for download in some form... and if I had to choose between a.) buying an album and having to go through some sort've big lame ass hassle just to listen to it as music files on my computer so I don't have to constantly be handling dozens of CDs, or b.) simply just downloading the album from someone who's already done the work, I could safely say I'd go for the latter, and put the former on a lower priority, but that's just me

another reason they'd never do that is because there's a whole market of MP3 players out there... even RIAA whores like Sony sell MP3 players... wouldn't be smart of them to attempt to prevent CD ripping altogether
House of Seance said:
the Reverie intro adds so much to the song for me for some reason, it's a shame I was unaware of this issue for so long... I still wonder if it's actually an issue or if it was done on purpose... I don't know why that track would have negative time when no other CD I've put on my computer has any issue like that... maybe Mike might respond and let us know, wishful thinking at least

jesus christ it is pretty fucking obvious thats it is supposed to be like that.. IT takes special effort to make a track start off in negative time.. Use your brains people!!1
jesus christ it is pretty fucking obvious thats it is supposed to be like that.. IT takes special effort to make a track start off in negative time.. Use your brains people!!1
yup, it's pretty fucking obvious... why would it be an error? It's cool, you're supposed to listen to the whole cd at once anyway, so it really wouldn't matter.

well I tried the CD out last night in my CD player and found that I STILL couldn't put it on track 5 and hear the negative time intro, and still had to hear it as the end of track 4 or seek backwards from 5, but it was indeed showing up as negative time... just sucks that it didn't fix the problem, it's still at the end of track 4 and not apart of Harlequin Forest..... I guess I was still confused about how it worked and was under the impression that I'd actually hear Reverie/Harlequin Forest if I put it on track 5 in my CD player

Well the point is it's not actually a song, so when you skip to number 5 you want to hear the 5th song. Reverie is an intro so you don't hear it when you skip to Harlequin Forest... obviously

the Reverie intro adds so much to the song for me for some reason, it's a shame I was unaware of this issue for so long... I still wonder if it's actually an issue or if it was done on purpose... I don't know why that track would have negative time when no other CD I've put on my computer has any issue like that... maybe Mike might respond and let us know, wishful thinking at least

Mike really doesn't need to respond, you need to use your brain.

well thats all very interesting,
is there any way to burn a cd on your computer with a track in negative time?

Yeah, there's a few more 'professional' programs that do it- Sony CD Architect for one. I don't know if you can put audio before Track 1 on a standard CD burner, it probably wouldn't stick to the Red Book standard...
I can remember a Nine Inch Nails CD having 99 tracks.....if I remember correctly the final audio track was number 9 or 10 then the CD player would count the tracks slowly up to 99 (1 second per track) and play a secret song at 99...this was 10 years ago....but was innovative at the time

Cheers Shane
After seeing the board i remembered i should look at the display when it happens. Because I more often listen to it off the computer. When rewinding track 5 onto track 4 it reads 5 then nothing for a second or so, then corrects itself to 4. I listen to the album from start to finish majority of the time anyway, but it is cool.
FuneralPortrait said:
yup, it's pretty fucking obvious... why would it be an error? It's cool, you're supposed to listen to the whole cd at once anyway, so it really wouldn't matter.

Well the point is it's not actually a song, so when you skip to number 5 you want to hear the 5th song. Reverie is an intro so you don't hear it when you skip to Harlequin Forest... obviously

Mike really doesn't need to respond, you need to use your brain.

Yeah, there's a few more 'professional' programs that do it- Sony CD Architect for one. I don't know if you can put audio before Track 1 on a standard CD burner, it probably wouldn't stick to the Red Book standard...

teenage angst alert

your logic blows, "zomg so liek you went to listen to a track called Reverie/Harlequin Forest and you expected it to play tteh whole song!?1/? R U STUPID?"... it's named REVERIE/Harlequin Forest, and doesn't play Reverie, and you think it's my fault, or that I'm stupid for expecting it to play what it's labeled? you should've just said "DUR DUH DURRRRRRRRDURRRRR" so people could call you a retard and I wouldn't have even had to type this, fucking homo
Thankfully I can say I've never typed like that. I couldn't actually understand what you meant in your post, but seriously I don't see how you thought this was an error. Do I need to explain it again for you?

And you're the one that seems to have the 'teenage angst' thing going on mate... 'fucking homo?' eh? You wish.
Btw I have heaps of cd's that go in to negative time- the only one I can think of right now though is Tomahawk's Mit Gas...
i didn't notice the secret track at the beginning of arcturus' le masquarade infernale for two years until don corleone pointed it out to me. i hadn't even the cd case had a note saying that there is secret audio information. it's all cute, but unnecessary.