Weird things

Originally posted by Satori
Bumble, that is one fucking weird story, it gave me goose-bumps!

Shit, why can't I see stuff like this?

I would love to visit a haunted house or something, that would extremely cool.

If anyone here has a haunted house, how about inviting me over for a weekend? hehehh


Satori my house is haunted. Come by;)
~Z~ (Hope you don't mind. How lazy of me. ;)) It just occurred to me. Maybe it was a faulty wire. :err:

Here's one. Believe it or not!

My mom lived in Florida for most of her life. In one of the places she rented, they took a picture of her in the hallway. When the developed the film, there was someone else in the photo.

No. I wasn't just a double print of someone, it I'M TELLING YA!! was a ghost! It was an image of a girl who hung herself and her image went through the picture over hundreds of times. In frames. Like the second the shuttle to the camera opened and froze the shot in time, this GIRL went zipping by LOOKING at the camera! The picture is INSANE!

She had it analyzed by a photo company. They couldn't prove it was fake. She brought it to another place and they too could find anything fixxed. Over 6 months of trying to prove that it was fake...and nothing.

The police department finally said something though. They identified (???) the girl's face as a suicide victim who had hung herself almost a year ago. :o Her face was so clear. You could study the face that's how clear the images where, yet they were transparent.

For real. I tell you no lie. Take what you will from it. :: shrugs ::

"She rose, screaming at closed doors. Seductive faint mist forging through the cracks in the wall."
I don't know all the details...but my cousin was at my house and she was saying that some weird stuff has been happening to her in her room, just her room and no where else. It's just been some typical stuff like her bedroom door will be open when she gets out of the shower when she had closed it. She has this pounding noise that emanates from this wood drawer chest. And the weirdest thing is she was lying in bed and this light (she didn't say what kind of light like what form it was in) started going around her body and she kept trying to move and it followed her and then she felt a heat sensation in her ankles. After it went away she looked down and she had been cut on her ankle area.
Well that's all I have.
Originally posted by Opet
~Z~ (Hope you don't mind. How lazy of me. ;)) It just occurred to me. Maybe it was a faulty wire. :err:
Hmm. Who knows, maybe it was ;) But I doubt it :p

Here's one. Believe it or not!
My mom lived in Florida for most of her life. In one of the places she rented, they took a picture of her in the hallway. When the developed the film, there was someone else in the photo.

No. I wasn't just a double print of someone, it I'M TELLING YA!! was a ghost! It was an image of a girl who hung herself and her image went through the picture over hundreds of times. In frames. Like the second the shuttle to the camera opened and froze the shot in time, this GIRL went zipping by LOOKING at the camera! The picture is INSANE!

She had it analyzed by a photo company. They couldn't prove it was fake. She brought it to another place and they too could find anything fixxed. Over 6 months of trying to prove that it was fake...and nothing.

The police department finally said something though. They identified (???) the girl's face as a suicide victim who had hung herself almost a year ago. :o Her face was so clear. You could study the face that's how clear the images where, yet they were transparent.

For real. I tell you no lie. Take what you will from it. :: shrugs ::
Originally posted by Opet
The police department finally said something though. They identified (???) the girl's face as a suicide victim who had hung herself almost a year ago. :o Her face was so clear. You could study the face that's how clear the images where, yet they were transparent.

For real. I tell you no lie. Take what you will from it. :: shrugs ::

Holy cunt-faced christ on a stick that's some fucked up shit! Opet, I'm asking you, I'm begging you, please please please scan this pic and post it. This one of the coolest paranormal stories I've ever heard and the fact that there is a picture depicting it is just FUCKING insane.

You must scan this pic! If you don't have a scanner, take it some place and have them scan it. If you are poor and/or unwilling to spend the money on this just give me your name and address and I'll send you a cheque, no problem.

What do you say, dear Opet?

Originally posted by Duvall
Satori: What do you think you would think if you had such an experience?

Fuck man, I have no idea! I'd definitely be terrified out of my fucking mind and probably move away!

Deep down I think there is an explanation for everything, that there isn't actually anything paranormal going on, just normal stuff which we can't understand or explain. But if my fucking vacuum cleaner turned itself on I'd be too scared to rationalize it like I'm trying to do here.

There's actually a whole lot of things which seem to defy physics and everything we know about science. One example of this is gravity. No one really understands how it works and yet there it is. There's also conclusive evidence showing that if rats in the past have run a maze, then rats in the future who run this same maze, regardless of how much time has passed or if the new rats were ever anywhere near the old rats, will run the maze quicker. Weird. The same is true of growing crystals in a lab. If 10 scientists are trying for 10 years to get a certain type of crystal to grow and then one of them succeeds, then the remaining 9 will succeed shortly after even though they are scattered throughout the world and aren't sharing methods. It's just one of those bizarre things that we accept but we have no explanation for. It's also the "reason" why so many scientific discoveries are made by 2 or 3 people within a few hours or days of each other. It seems that once something has occured (ie. rats run a maze or crystals grow) then it makes it that much easier and quicker for it to be repeated. Strange shit.

I love bizarre shit like this. Thanks for your question. Btw, are you still planning on coming to my neck of the woods? I have some excellent hydro that you have to taste-test, hehehe;)

Originally posted by Jannet
I knew I had seen a special on this on television. There is an 11:11 cult. Here is a page explaining this 11:11 theory on their website:

Wow, that's some whacky stuff!

Rusty, I had a similar thing, I once had a bit of a psychosis about the number 36, it seems I was seeing it everywhere, particularly on clocks, whenever I checked the time it was always xx:36. I'm sure I had this because of my fear of 666, thus 36 (3 x 6), (hey, I was raised catholic, hhheh). As I got older and gradually came to realize the whole 666/36 thing was silly and I stopped dwelling on it and stopped seeing it.

My phobia had a root though, it was a result of all the religious fear-mongering I had been exposed to as a child. You seeing 11:11 is just bizarre, and the fact that this is a common thing in others is beyond weird. Thanks for sharing.

This thread rocks! More stories, please!

but you can find numbers everywhere, you only notice how much they are around once you start concentrating on them.

Its like picking out anything and then looking for it. You're always suprised how much it turns up. For example once i got my P-Plates suddenly i noticed how many damn P-Platers there were. And when i was younger we used to look out for certain types of cars (which had jokes attached to them... due to who we knew who drove them or something like that).. and you literally see so many it suprises you. Numbers are everywhere, go do a search on the internet for you icq number or phone number and itll probably show up on a number of webpages. So if a number can be shown twice on a clock in a day, and is a noticeable number (4 x 1s) then of course people will notice it. And especially once people start talking about stupid theories and thinking its amazing how other people notice 11:11 as well then your even more likely to notice it.

And yes your body does have an internal clock, if you start looking at a clock at the same time every day then your body will get used to it and start doing it automatically.
Myself and one of my friends are always thinkin about the same thing and saying the same thing at the same time , you know that type of thing ...but it's weird because if were not sayin much for like 20 minutes ,, at the same time 2 of us will start talkin at the same time and sayin the same shit ,, it's like me and her are on the same wave lenghts or something
I used to see anything :42 on the clock whenever I was with my ex-girlfriend. We would always see it randomly.

I haven't really had any ghost encounters, but my friend's house had some odd things going on. Doors would shut in mid-day, cabinets being slammed, his mom heard screams, figures under the bed that were seen from downstairs, etc.

I used to live in an old house that had some pretty creepy things going on. I would hear noises in the attic and other various things.

By the way, it is 11:11. :p

Edit: I just wanted to say that my brother and I often are thinking the same things. There will be silence will we are watching tv or just doing nothing at all, and he will say something I was thinking. I guess we have been around each other for long enough and have similar thinking patterns and senses of humor.
Originally posted by warsofwinter
Myself and one of my friends are always thinkin about the same thing and saying the same thing at the same time , you know that type of thing ...but it's weird because if were not sayin much for like 20 minutes ,, at the same time 2 of us will start talkin at the same time and sayin the same shit ,, it's like me and her are on the same wave lenghts or something

I do something similar to this with a friend of mine... Anytime that we're in the car listening to the radio (CD, Tape, Radio, anything) we'll start singing at the exact same time. It's wierd, we could be silent as hell, not singing along to anything else and then all of a sudden start singing, whether it's the beginning of a verse/chorus or in the middle of the verse/chorus. There's no apparent logic to it, it just happens out of the blue! LOL! Now, to top that, if it just happens to be a harmonized part, I'll start singing one part and him the other, AGAIN, at the same exact time!!!


P.S. This is my first post here... You people all seem pretty cool, so I'll likely be coming back often!
This story might not sound as good because I am pretty sure Netball is a crazy Australian game.. :p But anyway....
Once upon a time...
...A couple of years ago when I was just a baby... :rolleyes: .. I was at a friends house with another friend of mine and we were getting ready to play a game of netball for our school. Anyhoo, we had this thought that we should do an Ouija board just for fun and see what it said. Stupid enough as it sounds, us three made one ourselves. :lol:
Anyway, we put it on the floor in the middle of my friends bedroom and played around with it. Eventually, something happened and the little marker started moving.. It first formed the word "Lonely".. Then we asked what it mean't. Then the marker pointed to the letters to form.. "Im lonely" Then we asked why and the marker pointed to "No".. So we all looked at each other and said.. "Are we going to win the game of netball today?" And the marker pointed too "Yes". We we're then talking about leaving for the netball game, otherwise we were going to be late. Then it spelled out "Im lonely" We asked why and it pointed to "No", again. We then decided to stay and ask how many points we would score and it pointed to "15", We then asked how many points the opposition was going to score and it pointed to "8". Then we we're talking about leaving and the marker spelled out "No".. So we stayed a little longer and I asked if I was going to play my normal position and it pointed to "Yes".. We then asked if my other two friends were going to play their normal positions for the game, and it spelled out "No".. My friends asked why and it spelled the words "It's a suprise".. We were all baffled because my other two friends were the only people who were goal shooters on the team. So we asked how we could win if they were not going to play their positions.. But again, it spelled out "It's a suprise.." By this time.. we were 15 minutes late for the game already. Then we said we were going to leave and it pointed to.. "No, Im lonely".. Then we all said goodbye, but then it spelled "No" again..
We had to leave right away so my friend folded the board up and packed it away.
We arrived at our netball game 25 minutes late and the coach was pretty pissed..

But as it turns out, we did win the game... the score was 15 to 8, our way. I had gotten to play my position only because I was the only person who actually played my position in the team.. otherwise the coach would have put me on something else for being late. But my other two friends did not get to play their positions because we were late due to the Oujia board, & it was also punishment for being late to the game.

In conclusion, we figured that the Oujia board was trying to stall time because whatever was saying it was lonely, was trying to keep us there for company. And it did not want to reveal the fact that my friends were not going to play their positions because we were going to be late for the game, and if we knew this.. we would have left straight away. And obviously it did not want us to leave, so it kept telling us it was a suprise.

That story is 100% true... And it might not be as interesting as the rest.. and it might not have made sense... but oh well...
I've never tried a board of such happiness.

As for wierd things, I'm always seeing/hearing things, and when I hear/see a lot at one time, I get dizzy, weak, cannot breathe, and my head like, REALLY hurts.. I've passed out several times from it.

Then again.... its probably from my TERRIFIC health ;)
Originally posted by Satori

Holy cunt-faced christ on a stick that's some fucked up shit! Opet, I'm asking you, I'm begging you, please please please scan this pic and post it. This one of the coolest paranormal stories I've ever heard and the fact that there is a picture depicting it is just FUCKING insane.

You must scan this pic! If you don't have a scanner, take it some place and have them scan it. If you are poor and/or unwilling to spend the money on this just give me your name and address and I'll send you a cheque, no problem.

What do you say, dear Opet?


Yes, I'd be very delighted to see this picture too :)
Kushantaiidan: Believe it or not? Scan it.

Well, if I lived with my mom now, I would...just for you, Kush. ;) But, she lived in Florida. After she passed away last year, the photo (which she had inside a bible) went to her 'boyfriend' who she lived with at the time of the photo. It was one of those things that he just said flat out "I want the bible with the photo of the girl and your mom." I gave it to him when I went down for the funeral.

I remember one year I was down visiting after I knew of it and I wanted to show it to a neighbors kids that I had befriended for the summer. Well, Mom caught me in the act and totally freaked out. I think she felt I was disturbing her in death or something.

I showed my boyfriend 2 years ago when we went down...of course, Mom wasn't around at the time. :rolleyes: So, I have no proof for you. But I tell choo mang, is no lie!

Like a derelict child.
Heart burning for a stranger.

EDIT: After reading something that Satori said about this picture...ugh. I think it was because I was there for my Mom's funeral. I didn't care about a photo of a ghost, but almost a year later now, I can't fucking believe I didn't keep that. Wow. I really can't. I'll have to call up old Hoser (my step father's name) and see what he plans to do with that thing. Ugh. I may never see it again. To tell ya the truth, the picture gave me the willies like you wouldn't believe.
I posted this somewhere in another thread (dreams, I think):

I had a vivid dream that I was in a subway station. I was just standing there. The train left - sped off into the tunnel - I heard screams, and a nauseating crash. I woke up the next morning shaking my head - I mean I could see, feel, taste, touch and smell this dream. When I read the next days paper - there had been a horrible subway crash in London - Moorgate. The train passed through the station and into a run-off tunnel killing 42+ people. It happened at 8:46 AM London time, which made it 3:46 AM. I could not of possibly known of this before I went to bed. This has been bugging me for 25 years. I've been trying recently to get a list of names of those who died to see if there is some sort of connection.