Anthems - Missing Covers?

Ace Kendrich

New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2002
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Hey, I've managed to get 4 out of the 6 (or 7) covers for Anthems, but I haven't been able to locate the Thin Lizzy or Cheap Trick covers yet, and I'd like to try and find them online. Only problem is that Amazon and Ebay seem to only list a generic cover, so you never know what you're ordering. Any ideas? And is there a Crawl cover, or was that just something they threw into the collage?

Thanks in advance!
Not sure where to find different covers. I've ony seen the Boston and Rush ones. Good luck!
I managed to get them all. I found chain stores around me all had/still have Cheap Trick, and indie stores had the other covers. I did have to get one of my friends in another state pick me up the Boston cover though, couldn't find that one.

There isn't a cover for Crawl, just on the CD tray.
I managed to get them all. I found chain stores around me all had/still have Cheap Trick, and indie stores had the other covers. I did have to get one of my friends in another state pick me up the Boston cover though, couldn't find that one.

There isn't a cover for Crawl, just on the CD tray.

Thanks for the clarification on that, I guess I'll just keep looking for the other ones. I saw the Cheap Trick one on Ebay right after they came out, should've picked it up then. Oh well.
Thanks for the clarification on that, I guess I'll just keep looking for the other ones. I saw the Cheap Trick one on Ebay right after they came out, should've picked it up then. Oh well.

PM me, I'd be glad to pick you up a Cheap Trick if you could PayPal me the money ;) Cheap Trick is all they have at any of the FYE or Best Buys around me.