Anthrax - Among the Living Concerts

Iced Ray said:
No, that would be John Bush because he actually was in 2 good metal bands. :p

Yeah, but John Bush is a complete dork. I mean he is like the epitome of a nerd who wound up in a band. I didn't care for his stage presence the one time I saw him front 'Thrax. He didn't seem very comfortable.
edgeofthorns said:
I've always liked Dan Spitz personally. Why do you say he's a poser?

If you ever read any of his interviews over the years, he has always come off as a pompous ass. See the last on Metal-Rules which caused a tiny stir in the 'Thrax camp. He also seems to be a friggin' hypocrite. He claims to be born again but at the same time pimps photos of his hot wife on his web site.

When I saw them open for Priest not long ago, he looked out of place on stage. He seemed to be doing his own thing while the rest of the band did theirs. While Belladonna's voice may not be in top shape anymore, at least his performance acknowledged the presence of the other band members. Plus, he was not even on stage for the entire set. I would have guessed that he had some equipment problems but I have read from other boards, that he did this at other shows as well.

Not that he is the only one in metal that is a pompous ass, but he just comes off quite fake to me.
I agree with Iced ray about Spitz on stage.
When I saw them last year on the reunion thing, he actually walked off for a couple songs. He also mid-set took off his shirt to show off his body (He is actually quite ripped these days). The rest of the guys you could tell did not take too kindly to it.

It is what it is. They know people wanted to see this line-up again so they did it. I saw it once, and it was all fine and dandy. Not planning on running out to see it again
Jasonic said:
Yeah, but John Bush is a complete dork. I mean he is like the epitome of a nerd who wound up in a band. I didn't care for his stage presence the one time I saw him front 'Thrax. He didn't seem very comfortable.

Your tripping, go read my Armored Saint post, he kicked ass this last weekend!!!Bush is a GREAT vocalist with Antrax and AS!

Iced Ray said:
If you ever read any of his interviews over the years, he has always come off as a pompous ass. See the last on Metal-Rules which caused a tiny stir in the 'Thrax camp. He also seems to be a friggin' hypocrite. He claims to be born again but at the same time pimps photos of his hot wife on his web site.

When I saw them open for Priest not long ago, he looked out of place on stage. He seemed to be doing his own thing while the rest of the band did theirs. While Belladonna's voice may not be in top shape anymore, at least his performance acknowledged the presence of the other band members. Plus, he was not even on stage for the entire set. I would have guessed that he had some equipment problems but I have read from other boards, that he did this at other shows as well.

Not that he is the only one in metal that is a pompous ass, but he just comes off quite fake to me.

Interesting! I didn't know he claimed to be a born again Christian, but I'm assuming that's what you mean. I've not seen any pics of his wife either, but I wasn't aware that he had a website. Who knows? These guys let the entire scene go to their heads after a while I guess.
I wonder if Anthrax will be opening for the Godsmack/Rob Zombie Tour this Fall? I hear there is a surprise guest opening band yet to be announced, and Anthrax IS currently opening for RZ, after all.
Iced Ray said:
While I enjoyed early Anthrax, I just think that band was at its strength with the Bush/Caggiano line up. Sounds of White Noise was a good debut album for Bush. However, Stomp 442 was not as good and Volume 8 was the worst Anthrax album of all time, a real stinker. The band seemed to have completely lost their way by that time.

But We Have Come For You All seemed to have really re-energized the band. I don't know if it was Caggiano alone but the band seemed to get a kick start and belted out a really terrific album (their best in years and one of their best overall) and live they were as tight as I had ever seen them (and yes, I have seen them with Belladonna in the 80's and also on the recent reunion tour).

As for Belladonna and Spitz, Joey seems like a cool guy but his voice is not as powerful as Bush and Spitz is a poser and a moron, always has been.

I agree & disagree with you. I feel that Volume 8 was the step towards them coming back to what made the great. The riffs were there, some great songs and even elements of SOD. Stomp 442 is where I think they fell off the path. It's a good album, but the first single they release sounded like a re-hashed Only riff :Smug:.

Up until WCFYA (the best album since SOWN) I think Charlie forgot that he played a double-cick set. Having the fans vote for the tracks on the "Devil" album and Gung-Ho being #1 by a LANDSLIDE sends a message to the guys that we want our speed back in the 'Thrax meta. This man is the Rodney Dangerfield of metal drummers. Listen to anything this man has played and it's easily on par with Lombardo or any other metal-god drummer.

I have no problem with Bush in Anthrax. However, I am Joey & Danny through and through. Bring on the new album. For the record the live DVD and CD are amazing. They sound great. Now that theyre doing this we get another Armored Saint tour and possibly another album from them. I don't see how we lose out on this.
Creeps said:
Check out the live DVD and that may change your opinion on Joey's voice.

I heard some of the CD actually in a record store and it was not mind blowin' or anything which is what I thought of his vocals live. To be honest tho, I never thought he had a strong voice in his prime in the 80's.

Bush's voice is much more powerful IMO.
Creeps said:
I agree & disagree with you. I feel that Volume 8 was the step towards them coming back to what made the great. The riffs were there, some great songs and even elements of SOD. Stomp 442 is where I think they fell off the path. It's a good album, but the first single they release sounded like a re-hashed Only riff.

Yeah, I can't agree with ya there. I wrote the band off when Volume 8 was released. I found it...awful (except for like 2 songs). And for the record, I don't care for the SOD similarities. Leave the novelty songs for that band.

But that is also why I was so pleasantly surprised with WHCFYA. The band got their shit together in EVERY category and released a kick ass album.

Creeps said:
Now that theyre doing this we get another Armored Saint tour and possibly another album from them.

This is definately the 'silver lining' of this whole ordeal with the 'Thrax camp.
I just got back from the Milwaukee Among The Living show and WOW!!!!!! Unreal. It was definitely worth the road trip to see.

And Joey, Scott, and Frank rewarded the diehard fans willing to wait a long time for them to come out the tour bus and talk with us. What a great bunch of guys! They are clearly having fun on tour.

Scott ended the show with "We'll be back next year with a new album".
Jasonic said:
Yeah, but Dan Spitz' brother was in Black Sabbath, which makes Dan Spitz (by association) cooler than anyone else in Anthrax....

Lol, yeah... but Dave Spitz was in Black Sabbath for, what, about 4 minutes? :heh:
metropolisimages said:
Joey is definately not the best singer out there or anything but I think he is the perfect fit for Anthrax.
It is all a matter of personal opinion, of course, but I always thought Joey's voice was too wimpy, or thin, for Anthrax's music. Jon Bush's voice was a much better fit, imo...fuller, more aggressive.
edgeofthorns said:
Wow, surprising that you feel this way! I'm the complete opposite. I lost interest in Anthrax after Persistence of Time. IMO, that was their last great album.

Although I didn't lose interest alltogether, POT is a total masterpiece. I think that this album is their finest by far. And definitely the heaviest.

STD and ATL definitely have strong songs on them, but as a whole I don't think that they have the lasting power that POT has. The 1-2 punch of "Time" and "Blood" are complete Metal gems and they have yet to surpass the overall quality of those two songs alone on ANY of their previous or past albums of POT.

edgeofthorns said:
I think the reunited Anthrax and Testament should go out on the road together! I'd stand in line for days to get those tickets!

Testament and anybody would be a strong tour in my book.