Anthrax Flyer: Still Working On It

It's not even close to done yet, but I thought I'd give you all a peek at what I have so far...


It's not even close to done yet, but I thought you woul all be interested in it. I want to keep the more loose, more E.C. Comics look and feel to the piece.
LuvataciousSkull said:
It's not even close to done yet, but I thought I'd give you all a peek at what I have so far...


It's not even close to done yet, but I thought you woul all be interested in it. I want to keep the more loose, more E.C. Comics look and feel to the piece.

Hats off to you my friend. I just wrote a book. Well sort of a book. All I need is a cover page, but I can't draw for shit so all it is the title in cool letters and by austin kelso. Lookin good :rock:
Nice work bro.

Did u hand draw it, scan it in and then going to use Photoshop for finished colouring????