Anthrax get nice press in todays Columbus Dispatch BUT..............


They have the Columbus show has being on Wed. night, when it is on Friday. But if they do the right thing and correct it tomorrow, that will be two days of press! There is no article per se, but there is a big ol' pic of the band (the one that shows up on ticketbastard) in the "what's happening this week section." Hell, it's a bigger pic than Cirque Del Soliel, so Anthrax must be the BIGGEST event in Columbus this week. :cool:
Well guys... I´m one... I guess I´ve alwys been one... it´s not something you become, from the day you understand what it´s about you want it more than anything else... I READ NEWSPAPERS! When do I get my fucking Pride-parade?
They had a preview of the show in Thursday's weekender. If they reviewed the show, it will appear tomorrow. Reviews always take an extra day to get to press (the dispatch arrives at my house at about 3am). Columbus Live had a nice interview w/ Lemmy this week. And The Other Paper had a cool preview, basically saying that Ozzfest was gay and all the real metal-heads would be at Maiden/Dio.
I'm surprised a man of your obvious intelligence doesn't keep himself abreast of the local media, what's wrong, are they too "mainstream" or what.
TD said:
They had a preview of the show in Thursday's weekender. If they reviewed the show, it will appear tomorrow. Reviews always take an extra day to get to press (the dispatch arrives at my house at about 3am). Columbus Live had a nice interview w/ Lemmy this week. And The Other Paper had a cool preview, basically saying that Ozzfest was gay and all the real metal-heads would be at Maiden/Dio.
I'm surprised a man of your obvious intelligence doesn't keep himself abreast of the local media, what's wrong, are they too "mainstream" or what.

Oh yeah, I should have known it would take another day. duh

I was joking about the newspaper comment, and I don't get the Dispatch anymore because I can read news online for free.
I've never gotten to the Dispatch online. It is such a part of my "routine" to read that fucker. I love reading metro. Columbus seems like such a pleasant little town, but man, some nasty shit goes down every night. I also read the Arts to see what is going on in movies and music. Sports of course, and every Thursday or Friday they syndicate the great Clarence Page.
TD said:
I've never gotten to the Dispatch online. It is such a part of my "routine" to read that fucker. I love reading metro. Columbus seems like such a pleasant little town, but man, some nasty shit goes down every night. I also read the Arts to see what is going on in movies and music. Sports of course, and every Thursday or Friday they syndicate the great Clarence Page.

You can only read Dispatch online if you pay, so I go elsewhere for news. Columbus is a pretty violent city. I've read Clarence Page sometimes in the Washington Times online. I guess if I went to OU I'd be a bigger fan of his.