Non-Anthrax: Anselmo on cover of new Revolver. Nice Int.


The man is as entrenched into his own depression/evil/druggie/bad ass/swamp boogie lifestyle as ever. For the new Down disc the band hid away in the swamp for 26 days. Anselmo has an estate north of New Orleans w/ a mansion, 2 beaches, a guesthouse, and of course swamp land! Anyhow, the band rented equipment thru it in the guesthouse and proceeded to get fucked up for 26 days whilst writing and recording the new music. Trucker speed, all sorts of downers, booze, and pot were all in the mix. I'm sure there was plenty of blow and heroin but you gotta watch what you admit to doing publicly. I can't wait to hear this record! I've got tix for a coupla Ohio stops on the tour. I hope the record explodes and prompts a bigger tour, anthrax would make a perfect opener for Down!!!! Down with special guests Anthrax at some 3,000 seat hockey rink or run down theatre makes me quite happy it would be in a word: rad!!! Also, Anselmo alludes to the "end" of Pantera, but this interview was done before Phil issued a press release saying that Pantera was nowhere near done.
Anselmo is awesome, revolver is awesome. The new down album should be fucking badass. NOLA ruled. This has been one of metals more successful side projects, i hope they end up launching a major tour cause i know i sure as fuck would love seeing them live. Also if anyone has any dates or approximations they have heard about the DOWN album or a new studio album from Pantera let me know.

WWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phill said it was the end of pantera?/ thers no fuckin way!!!!! i sure as hell up not.. ive heard they are recordin at dimes rigth now.. but i dunno.. it couldbe a lie.. i hope not thuogh, iv been waitin on a new pantera cd. their the best band EVER!!!!!!!
il have to check out the new down cd
but of yall hear anythng else about pantera bein done with . let me know......
but dindt he also say " they arent close to bein over with" .. i dunno im
I forget what magizine it was, but this month Phil said Pantera are going back to the studio to start recording a new album. So no, Pantera is not breaking up in the near future. That rumour was started because of all Phil's side projects. Supposedly they were taking too much of his time. Phil and Vinnie had a dispute or two but nothing to break up the band.