Anthrax vs. Pantera...


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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I just thinking what would happen, if these two metal giants went head to head with their talent and album material...Here's what the turnout would be...

Frontmen: John Bush vs. Phil Anselmo

Creativity: Bush
Brutality: Anselmo
Songwriting: TIE
Melody: Bush

Winner: John Bush - 3 out of 4
Anthrax leads 1 to 0

Guitarist: Scott Ian vs. Dimebag Darrell

Creativity: Dime
Brutality: Dime
Sound: TIE
Melody: Ian

Winner: Dimebag Darrell - 3 out of 4
Pantera ties it up at 1 to 1

Bassist: Frank Bello vs. Rex Brown

Creativity: Bello
Brutality: Brown
Sound: Bello
Melody: Bello

Winner: Frank Bello - 3 out of 4
Anthrax goes to a 2 to 1 lead.

Drummer: Charlie Benante vs. Vinnie Paul

Blast Beats: Benante
Double-Bass: TIE
Rhythm: Vinnie
Quickness: Benante

Winner: Charlie Benante - 3 out of 4
Anthrax leads 3 to 1.


"We've Come For You All" vs. "Reinventing The Steel"

Creativity: "WCFYA"
Brutality: "WCFYA"
Songwriting: TIE
Sound: "WCFYA"

Winner: Anthrax's "We've Come For You All" - 3 out of 4
Anthrax is pushing ahead 4 to 1.

"Volume 8 - THE THREAT IS REAL!" vs. "The Great Southern..."

Creativity: "Vol. 8"
Brutality: "TGSTK"
Songwriting: "TGSTK"
Sound: "TGSTK"

Winner: Pantera's "TGSTK" - 3 out of 4
Pantera comes back to make it 4 to 2.

"Stomp 442" vs. "Far Beyond Driven"

Creativity: TIE
Brutality: "FBD"
Songwriting: TIE
Sound: "Stomp 442"

Winner: TIE - 2 to 2
Both teams are awarded no points.


Loudness: 9
Crowd: 8
Setlists: 10
Playing: 10
TOTAL SCORE: 37 out of 40

Loudness: 10
Crowd: 9
Setlists: 10
Playing: 10
TOTAL SCORE: 39 out of 40

Winner: Pantera - 39 to 37
Pantera is awarded 2 points to TIE IT UP!

Would you folks like to see a tie breaker?!!

pantera hands down, all albums, i think all members outpreform the thrax members. i like anthrax and shit, but i think pantera outpreforms them across the board, accept drums which id have to call a tie.
Interesting post. Before I made fun of any bands past, I'd remind myself that Anthrax's were a bunch of goofballs in the 1980's. Joey Belladonna, jams, teenage mutant ninja turtles, I'm the Man, bad hair, the cover shot of Armed and Dangerous. And, hey, Anthrax must have liked Pantera in the 1980's, because they liked to have Pantera open for them every time they were in Texas.

Anthrax can never match the brutality that is Pantera. Pantera can never match the crisp metal machine that is Anthrax. That's my summation.
Originally posted by TD
Interesting post. Before I made fun of any bands past, I'd remind myself that Anthrax's were a bunch of goofballs in the 1980's. Joey Belladonna, jams, teenage mutant ninja turtles, I'm the Man, bad hair, the cover shot of Armed and Dangerous. And, hey, Anthrax must have liked Pantera in the 1980's, because they liked to have Pantera open for them every time they were in Texas.

Anthrax can never match the brutality that is Pantera. Pantera can never match the crisp metal machine that is Anthrax. That's my summation.

Hey! At least they never wore lipstick. (Except when they were kids dressing up as Kiss.) Kiss did, but that's ok, because they're Kiss.

I'm not trying to get into argument about Pantera because, frankly, I don't care. Anthrax and Pantera are friends now and have been for a long time and I respect that. I've never even heard the old Pantera stuff aside from a few clips. I have just seen the pictures. I just had to point out Pantera was not always as hard as they are now.
To me there is really no comparison. Pantera is Pantera, and Anthrax Is Anthrax. Besides for a few songs sounding alike, Pantera is just so much more brutal. Phil and John are nothing alike as far as singing is concerned, and musically Pantera are more straightforward metal, where anthrax has some goove and melody to there music. Both are great bands and hope Pantera can get there shit together and put out one more album.
that's funny. When my girlfriend heard phil in down she thought it was john.
although he actually sings differently in down but I still think that is funny because I can hear the similarities easy.
either way Anthrax and Pantera are two totally different bands. both are pioneers of metal and both are metal kings.
but as far as my personal taste.. I don't own any Pantera albums. I wasn't into enough of there songs.
In Pantera he mostly screams, so that was what I am getting at. Look at Slipknot, Corey mostly screams, but in Stone Sour he actually sings, where I think John sings and has never really screamed in any of his songs.
Anthrax in the 80's and their lame gimmicks- Not Man, Mosh, taking the NYHC logo for Anthrax t-shirts, Schism, Public Enemy, Skateboards, no frills t-shirt. It was the same type of shit in the 90's and today. The Simpsons, Seinfeld, a cup of Jo, acting lessons, the Yankees, Stomp, petition to get on Ozzfest.. etc. etc.... Phil Anselmo is also a guitarist and songwriter. Bush barely writes lyrics. Talent: Anselmo
Originally posted by Keep
Anthrax in the 80's and their lame gimmicks- Not Man, Mosh, taking the NYHC logo for Anthrax t-shirts, Schism, Public Enemy, Skateboards, no frills t-shirt. It was the same type of shit in the 90's and today. The Simpsons, Seinfeld, a cup of Jo, acting lessons, the Yankees, Stomp, petition to get on Ozzfest.. etc. etc.... Phil Anselmo is also a guitarist and songwriter. Bush barely writes lyrics. Talent: Anselmo
Pantera had the biggest gimmick during the 80's- being glam. And hell, at least Anthrax's gimmicks were different than other bands.
Originally posted by Keep
Anthrax in the 80's and their lame gimmicks- Not Man, Mosh, taking the NYHC logo for Anthrax t-shirts, Schism, Public Enemy, Skateboards, no frills t-shirt. It was the same type of shit in the 90's and today. The Simpsons, Seinfeld, a cup of Jo, acting lessons, the Yankees, Stomp, petition to get on Ozzfest.. etc. etc.... Phil Anselmo is also a guitarist and songwriter. Bush barely writes lyrics. Talent: Anselmo

And you're on this website while you hate Anthrax why?
Anthrax is a better band, hands down.

Don't get me wrong, I like Pantera, ( mainly CFH and VDOP, and their newer stuff is pretty good I guess) but Anthrax is better in every way. "All their lame gimmicks" are supposed to be humorous. Anthrax has HUMOROUS elements, they are about a 90% serious band.

All of Pantera's lyrics are USUALLY ( notice I said usually to future arguers) not too talented written wise and are usually " I'm tough you suck I'm gonna kick your fuckin ass!"...and Phil used to be a good singer, but now it's just screams.
Honestly people - 2 awesome and influential metal bands - who cares who's better - it's only opinions anyway.

Record sales alone tell you who people like more. However, Anthrax for me.