Anthrax in trouble...


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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This wait for the record is killing Anthrax...As the wait for the record gets larger and larger, some fans are just moving on...I hate to say it, but it's true...I know it's not Anthrax's fault, but this record has missed a chance to really open eyes...By the time the record comes out, half their fanbase will be gone and it will just be us hardcore base there at the record store...They still have a little bit of a chance, by releasing it BEFORE 2003, but if it comes out after that, they are DONE...After you build a hype for a record, you got to get it out, I am excited for the record, but how much more can we take...The hype is dying...:cry:
When you've already waited four years for something, what's another few months? Not everyone has a short attention span. I could give a shit who buys it and who doesn't. I know I'm buying it and if other people want to, great, if not, you can't do anything about it anyway.

How many threads like this are there going to be anyway??? This one is by far not the first.
What is the evidence to support this claim? Did Bostons fan base move on in between the 10 or 12 year gap( or whatever it was) between their album? Realistically I didnt see the hype machine in full gear for this album anyway, as far as mainstream music buyers go. If it takes 5 years from now I will still get this album as I'm sure most ppl on this board will.
Well, Thraxhead1985, the hardcore fans (us) will just have to Spread the Disease.
I think that Anthrax's fanbase is bigger than ever, thanks to the internet.
Think: "Anthrax Street Team", okay?
I think a later date will help them more than hurt them. Why? I think their working on getting the album promotion shit together. So if they think things out and get things done the right way, the album should sell good. They don't want this album to be released if it's not gonna have good support. Also they could be shopping around for better label that may want to release the album. It's hard to say. I know that it's hard for us to have to wait for this but we shouldn't be disapointed. Superhero sounds bad ass enough. I think this album is gonna be a killer.
thats what scott has been saying casey.
I wwas thinking lately I wonder if the metal community got together and dipped a little into our chump change and pooled all our money if we could start some sort of super metal LAbel or TV station or radio station or something. If each of us spent 20 bucks you know? it would be quit a bit of money if it was just the Thrax fans. Not enough I'm sure but still if the whole MEatl fanbase pitched in..... makes you think, or at least me.
Originally posted by redeyes
Thraxhead1985 you are an idiot, k, thx, bye
Redeyes, do you have anything constructive to contribute to any of the discussions, or do you just hang out on the board to call people "idiots" and "faggots"? Quit being a waste of skin.

As for Thraxhead1985's original comment, I'd love to see the album out as soon as possible, but it's a label problem, not a band problem. It's not as if there was any big hype for the album anyway. The only people waiting for the album to come out are on this board, and we'll buy it tomorrow or next year. It would be nice if whatever label decides to finally put out the album, if they could build some anticipation for it in more than just the hardcore fans, but right now there isn't any. You can't kill hype that didn't exist in the first place.
i will elaborate, this forum has changed from anthrax to AOL. If you dont have something even remotely connected to thrax, then WHY THE FUCK POST IT?
Originally posted by redeyes
i will elaborate, this forum has changed from anthrax to AOL. If you dont have something even remotely connected to thrax, then WHY THE FUCK POST IT?

Get off the board, asshole. You haven't been here long enough to determine whether it's "changed," now go the fuck away. Nobody likes you.