Anthrax is Scott Ian's priority!

I guess Scott meant that during the same time he's touring the vocals will be being recorded so the tour isn't hindering the recording process. I seriously doubt that Joey comes up with all of the vocal melodies himself, I would figure Scott would want to be there during the recording.
On shuffling his ANTHRAX and THE DAMNED THINGS duties:

Ian: "It's pretty easy between ANTHRAX and THE DAMNED THINGS. ANTHRAX is my priority, and just because of where we're at right now in recording, it's given me the opportunity to go out and do some DAMNED THINGS touring. The ANTHRAX record is pretty much done musically. It's just down to Joey [Belladonna] singing the whole record now, which will start right after the holidays. Obviously I don't need to be there on a daily basis while Joey is singing. Of course, I'll pop in every once in a while, but it gives me time to go out [and perform]. If we were in the thick of it with ANTHRAX right now, I couldn't do a DAMNED THINGS tour."

This is exactly what I said the other day because I read this interview a while ago. :D
As I stated elsewhere history has shown us consistently that with Anthrax there comes a lot of legal and financial issues throughout their career as a band. No reason to suspect this delay is anything else than that.
Ill ask again, what FUCKING legal or financial issues are delaying this album from coming out? Does it have anything to do with Dan? Supposedly all thats left to do is Joey's Vox. But Charlie said in the update Sep/Oct. 7-8 MONTHS TO FINISH THIS UP? I dont get it, in fact I cant even finish writing this im in a bad mood now.
Ill ask again, what FUCKING legal or financial issues are delaying this album from coming out? Does it have anything to do with Dan? Supposedly all thats left to do is Joey's Vox. But Charlie said in the update Sep/Oct. 7-8 MONTHS TO FINISH THIS UP? I dont get it, in fact I cant even finish writing this im in a bad mood now.

Beats the fuck out of me. Ask Alisap who seems to know all about those legal and financial issues that would cause an album to be delayed for years. I have been in this industry for 13 years and have never experienced that. But Alisap must have some inside scoop on these legal and financial issues that are preventing the band to record this album and get it in stores.
Beats the fuck out of me. Ask Alisap who seems to know all about those legal and financial issues that would cause an album to be delayed for years. I have been in this industry for 13 years and have never experienced that. But Alisap must have some inside scoop on these legal and financial issues that are preventing the band to record this album and get it in stores.

Having also worked in the media industry for over 21 years I can tell you that legal & financial issues do cause massive delays in a lot of output! Well here in Australia that's for sure. Perhaps it's different in the US.

Also mate, backtrack a little, I never stated I knew everything - I merely stated it seemed the most likely case would be this.

Well documented that Anthrax is a legal basketcase. I suspect more it's simply a matter of their is no money in the bank. Once again well documented how financially unstable the band has been in the last 5 years. Remember the old `we had to do the reunion with Joey or this band even wouldn't be here' comment floating around.

And yes it's a basic assumption of my behalf. It's hardly gospel truth. I just don't see how the Damn Things could honestly be holding this all up.

If I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit to it too.
I just don't see how the Damn Things could honestly be holding this all up.

If I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit to it too.

I am not a rocket scientist by any means. But I do know if your producer is out playing shows with another band not much is going to happen in the studio without him. Also knowing Scott is a control freak I highly doubt he will be just sitting back and letting Joey sing how he wants. So with Scott and Rob (Producer) out on the road with another band I can promise you this is leading to delays.

There may be some sort of legal issues here and there. But that would only apply for a few months or so, not YEARS.
Either way we can agree on one thing.

WE WANT A NEW ALBUM SOON! September seems an eon away.
Remember what Nelson said after his departure..."nothing's gonna happen with the album without my permission"...could be?