Anthrax is Scott Ian's priority!

Don Nelson is a non factor at this point. His vocals are going to be replaced. He could have possibly held up things for a few months. But this is years ago now. They could have written and recorded an entirely new album since the.

Just curious....I noticed everytime you mention Dan Nelson's name you refer him as 'Don'. You're just being sarcastic, right? lol.
That's also true.

1987 - Among The Living, 1988 - State Of Euphoria. I know, times were different then.

Times really aren't different now. Many bands are starting to put out albums every year or so now, or every other year. Record sales are so bad that hyping a record for 4 years isn't going to do much good. So a lot of artists are continually pumping out new records and then getting back out on the road and touring. Touring is where artists can still make good money. Anthrax won't make a dime from album sales. I don't care how great it is they have been out of the spotlight for much too long. I don't think all that many people really care about them anymore. Sad but true. So they can delay this, hype it up, and still will probably only sell 200k albums which after all the marketing etc won't get them very much $$ in their pockets.

With protools bands are now able to take their 'studio' on the road with them. A lot of bands will have most songs written and demo's while on the road. Then they can come back and record them in a months time. There is just no excuse to have to wait 6 years between albums. All that does is show how dysfunctional the band is.
That's also true.

1987 - Among The Living, 1988 - State Of Euphoria. I know, times were different then.

Bring back those days, pleeeease!!!! Not that it'd ever happen. Then after that it was 90 - POT, 91 - AOTKB, then a change of singer and 93 SOWN!
Overkill have 16 albums out, Pro-Pain really seem to enjoy releasing new albums (13 albums in 18 years) and Mortification have released 13 albums in 20 years. and our Thrax? 9 albums in 30 years:lol: