From a recent episode of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me..." on NPR:
Just thought that might amuse you all.
SAGAL: An entire block of Yuba City, California, was shut down when a woman left a box of her favorite cabbage on her friends doorstep and labeled it blank.
Mr. PROVENZA: Labeled it explosive.
SAGAL: Yes, close enough. She said the bomb - is what it said.
(Soundbite of laughter)
Mr. PROVENZA: The bomb.
SAGAL: Because Terri Talbert, the woman in question, wanted to communicate just how good that cabbage was.
(Soundbite of laughter)
SAGAL: I.e., that cabbage in this box is the bomb, baby. When the friend arrived home,instead of making a delicious soup, she called the bomb squad. An embarrassed Talbert said she would never do that again, and to apologize, she sent the local police force all of her old heavy metal CDs, and labeled the box: lots of Anthrax.
Just thought that might amuse you all.