Joke thread


and his staff
Nov 27, 2001
Montréal, Canada
ok, so we hadn't had one in a while, here goes (: (:

George Bush and his driver are driving in a rural area, and as they approach a farm, they run over a pig and kill it. Bush says to the driver: "Quick, go to the farm and tell them what happened, i'll wait here!"

A few hours later, he sees the driver come back to the car, completely drunk, his clothes all messed up, smoking a huge cigar, and holding a bottle of wine in each hand.

Bush asks: what the hell happened??? the driver says "well, the farmer gave me a cigar, his wife gave me some wine, and their daughter made love with me passionately for hours!" "wtf?? what did you tell them?" the driver answers: "well, i said: hi, i'm George Bush's driver, and i just killed the pig."

A woman is naked, looking at herself in the mirror. She says to her husband "i feel so ugly and fat and horrible.... i need a compliment to cheer me up!" The husband says: "You have good eyes."

At a catholic school, in the cafeteria there's a pile of apples on the counter. Beside it, there's a sign that says "Take only one, God is watching you". On the other end of the counter, there's a pile of chocolate cookies. Beside it, there's a piece of paper with a kid's handwriting that says "Take as much as you want, God is watching the apples".

Wilson-brand nails:

The president of Wilson nails inc. decides to make a commercial to boost the reputation of his products. He hires an advertising agency to have it done. They tell him "Watch channel 7 at 8:00 tomorrow morning." When he does, he is very shocked by what he sees. The commercial shows Jesus Christ nailed on his cross, and a narrating voice says "Wilson nails. Christ, they hold."

Furious, he calls the agency and yells at them to take that off the air and repair his company's reputation. So again they tell him "Watch channel 7 at 8:00 tomorrow."

So he waits to see the new commercial: it shows Jesus Christ running in the desert, his hands and his feet are bleeding, and roman soldiers are chasing him. The leader of the roman soldiers yelling "You bunch of fucking morons, i told you to use Wilson nails!!!!"
so there is this lawyer, and he's very rich and very popular and the whole deal. then one day he falls violently ill, and is rushed to the hospital. his whole family is very concerned and visit him every day and spend the night. they are told sadly by the doctor that he only has a few days to live. upon one of the visits his maid comes to clean up because he requested that his hospital room be clean just like his home. while she's cleaning the lawyer asks her a favor to do after he dies, he asks "Before i die take me home so i can die in my own bed. then, when it looks as though im going to pass away, take all my money and put it in the attic above my bed, so that way i can take it all with me to Heaven and live wealthily there."

The laywer's death grows nearer, and he is put in his bed as requested, and the maid puts many sacks of money in the attic. Eventually the man dies, and everybody is very sad. A few weeks later the maid is cleaning out the house as the lawyers wife wants to move to a new house to get on with her life. While cleaning she comes across the sacks of money, still sitting there and collecting dust.

The maid shakes her head and says, "The damned fool, i knew i should've put the money in the basement."
