Official UM Joke Thread


Active Member
May 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
Har har har... This is just a joke. Post yours here too. :p

A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him something. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.

For a few moments everything was silent in the cab, then the driver said, "PLEASE, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!"

The passenger, who was also frightened, apologized and said she didn't realize that a tap on the shoulder could firghten him so much, to which the driver replied, "I'm sorry, it's really not your fault at all. Today is my first day driving a cab. I have been driving a hearse for the last 25 years."

Viagra computer virus:

Of course you've heard about the Viagra computer virus, it turns your 3 1/2 inch floppy into a hard disk.:lol:
Q: Four tampons walking down a street, which one say hello first?
A: None, because they're all stuck up cunts.

heh, I have some reaaaalllly cheesy ones, but we'll just pass those up.
A man and his wife were working in their garden when the man looked over at his wife.

"Your butt is getting really big," he said. "I mean, really big. I bet your butt is bigger than the barbecue."

He proceeded to get a ruler and measured the grill. Then he went over to where his wife was working and measured her ass.

"Yes, I was right!" he exclaimed. "Your butt is two inches wider than the barbecue!"

Later that night in bed, the husband was feeling a bit horny. He made a few advances toward his wife, but she completely brushed him off.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She responded: "Do you really think I'm going to fire up this big-ass grill for one little weenie?"
Funny stuff guys! Xeno, that was awesome!
As a young boy, Joe was completely obsessed with tractors.

He had pictures of tractors all over his bedroom walls; he had tractor toys, tractorT-shirts, a tractor carpet, and duvet cover, the whole works.

He ate, drank and slept tractors.

On his 17th birthday he was thrilled to get an invitation
to go to a tractor factory nearby and test-drive a brand new tractor.

His excitement was incredible as he told his family and friends.

The great day came and he went to the factory for the test-drive.

Unfortunately something went terribly wrong with the tractor when Joe was driving it and it flipped over, trapping and breaking Joe's leg and fracturing his skull.

He was so upset and tried to sue the tractor company for negligence.

But the company would have none of it and told him there wasno liability and he could get lost! You can imagine he was very annoyed with tractors after this and vowed to shed them from his life completely and forever.

All the posters came down, the toys were given away - tractors were GONE.

Many years later, Joe went into a bar for a drink. Inside, the cigarette and cigar smoke was terrible but through it he saw a
beautifulgirl seated at the bar on her own.

Tears were streaming down her face. Joe asked her what was wrong and she said that the smoke was making her eyes sting and stream with tears. With that, Joe looked around and then took a huge breath, sucking in all the smoke. He then walked outside into the car park and blew all the smoke out again.

He goes back into the bar where the air is now clear and sweet and sits down next to the girl. "That was amazing!" she said, "How did you do that?"

"No problem", said Joe,.................

(this one IS worth waiting for...)

"I'm an ex-tractor fan"
This guy walks into a bar with his monkey. The guy sits down next to the bartender and has a few drinks. After a while he has to go the bathroom.

"Will you watch my monkey while I go the bathroom?" the guy asked the bartender.

"Sure.", says the bartender.

As soon as the bartender hits the bathroom, the monkey jumps up, runs across the room to the pool tables and eats the Q-ball.

"What the hell?", the bartender exclaimed.

When the guy came out of the bathroom, the bartender says.

"Guess what?...your damn monkey just ate my Q-ball."

"Oh god.", says the guy. "Here there's $20 and after the monkey passes the Q-ball, I'll sterilize it and bring it back to you, deal?"

The bartender agrees. A week later the guy comes back with his monkey and also returns the Q-ball. He is now on good terms with the bartender. Anyway, the guy has a few drinks and after awhile he needs to go the bathroom. He looks at the bartender and says, "Will you watch my monkey while I go the bathroom?"

"He isn't going to eat the Q-ball is he?", asked the bartender.

"No he's over that.", explained the guy.

Bartender agrees. As soon as the guy hits the bathroom, the monkey jumps up, runs across the room, and gets a peanut out of the peanut bowl. The monkey examines the peanut. Then the monkey puts the peanut up it's ass, pulls the peanut out, and finally eats the peanut.

"What innnnnnn the hellllllll", the bartender exclaimed in a bewildered manner.

The guy comes out of the bathroom.

"Guess what?....your monkey just stuck a peanut up it's ass, and then ate it afterwards.", the bartender explained, still overcome by the act.

"Oh yeah...", the guy acknowledges. "It's just that ever since the Q-ball, he just wants to make sure everything fits."

^ ^ ^ that was really sad. :(

Originally posted by FailingAcension
Two guys walked into a bar...OUCH!
are those the same guys who, the day before, had walked into a cafè and... SPLASH! ?? :lol:
OK hehe I'll try to translate that one :)

At the university, the students study bioligies, subject is sexual education ( :rolleyes: )
To lighten up the subject, the prof asks about the positions they know. The first guy takes a few moments and then says "I know 12..." "Well, that's quite OK for a man of your age..." the prof answers. A voice from the last row shouts "seventy-two!"
"It's OK man, you'll have your turn there, too, now be patient!"
The next student takes a few moments, too then she answers "Eight..." "Still OK for a young woman..."
"SEVENTY-TWO!!!" "Man, calm down, you'll have your turn! Make use of the time and think about them, you can do a little presentation if you want as well, but now shut up!"
The next girl blushes... then she says "I know only one position!" "How's that young lady...? And what position is that?"
"Well... I lay on my back... spread the legs and then he's over me..."

A man was waiting in the hall of the hospital, because their girl was giving birth to their first child.
Suddenlly apears the doctor with the child in their arms......and started to kick the child..... The father full in rage asked to the doctor what was him doing....
And the doctor said: ha ha ha..... don´t worry man, it´s a joke because your child burnt dead.

(sorry, but the translation is not good)
A Drummer went to buy a new car, he only had two hundred quid so he goes to see a pal that was into selling second hand junkers.
"Hi Mac," he says. "What have you got that's real cool for two hundred quid?"
"Well," says his mate "I've got a beauty out back a real bargain. It's an old Jag, beautiful condition..."
"What's the catch?" says the Drummer
"No catch at all," says Mac
"Oh there is just one little thing missing though," says Mac
"What's that then?" asked the Drummer
"It ain't got any doors," says Mac
"That's no good is it," says the Drummer, "How the heck am I going to get in?"

Two drummers meet while walking down the street.
One of them asks, " What you got in that bag?"
The other one replies: "Chickens"
"Can I have one?" asks the first drummer.
The second drummer replies, "If you can guess how many chickens are in this bag, then I'll give you both of them."

How many drummers are necessary to screw a lightbulb?
Ten drummers, one to hold the lamp with his hands and nine to turn the room.

How do you drive a drummer insane?
Lock him up in a round room and tell him there's pizza in the corner.

How do you know your restroom has a straight floor?
A drummer has peed on both sides of the toiletseat.

The band was pissed off coz the producer would always take off early on Fridays for lunch and not return till Monday.
After several weeks of this, the band decided that if the producer was going to take off early, so would they.
Sure enough, that Friday the producer dissapeared, so the band decided to take off.
The Singer went to a movie, the Bassist went to a nudie bar, the Guitarists went to a medievall joust and the Drummer decided just to go home. When the Drummer got home, he found his wife in bed with the producer. The Drummer was mortified and shocked and walked around town moping.
The next Friday, the same thing happened with the producer leaving early. "Well Mate," said the Singer, "shall we take off early again?" "You guys go ahead," said the Drummer, "I almost got caught last week."

A very worried bass player is strolling along a beach in California. He steps on something hard, and picks it up. It's a lamp. He rubs it, and a genie pops out.
"I am the genie of the lamp and I grant you one wish".
"I think", the bass player says, "that I'd like to go to Hawaii one day. But I get airsick and seasick. I'd like you to build a bridge so I could drive over."
The genie thinks this over, and gently explains that it would be almost impossible, with labour costs what they are and the sea as deep as it is.
"In that case, how about this. Our drummer never writes any songs. I'd like you to make him write a song."
The genie ponders for a bit, then asks, "This want it two-lane or four-lane?"

A scientist did some research in the field of animal behaviour, and decided to run a test with dogs. His research showed that after a certain period of time, the dogs started to assume certain habits from their masters. Thus he filled a room with bones, and examined how different dogs reacted to the sight. First he let an architecht's dog examine the pile of bones. The dog constructed a fine model of a city out of the bones, complete with streets and parks. The scientist was intrigued, and made notes out of the whole process. He reassembled the bones in a huge pile, and let a mathematician's dog loose. After sniffing at the bones the dog split the pile in two identical piles, then split those two piles, and so forth until the room was filled with 64 identical piles, all in a symmetrical order. The scientist was overjoyed, and again scribbled some notes out of the experiment, and reassembled the bones in a single pile. Then he let a drummer's dog examine the bones... Or would have, but the dog came a couple of hours late, ate all the bones, fucked the two other dogs, and took the rest of the day off.

There was this drummer in music class who really liked to play jokes on people, particularily the pianist. One day, after a very crude joke, the pianist got really pissed off and decided to get back at the drummer.So the next day, he came to class very early and hid one of the drummer's drum sticks. When the drummer got to class, he noticed that he only had one drum stick and started celebrating and laughing like a maniac.

The painist then asked, "What's so funny?" to which the drummer replied, "I've been promoted to conductor!"

Man went to school to learn how to play bass. At first lesson they learned to play "domp" "domp" domp". At second lesson they learned "domp" "domp" "dompdi" "domp". Couple of weeks later the man didn't show up for a third lesson, the teacher called him and asked for reason. "I've been too busy with touring" -answered the man.

A drummer was broke. In order to raise some money, he decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom. He went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him behind a tree, and told him, "I've kidnapped you." He then wrote a note saying,"I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it under the pecan tree next to the slide on the north side of the playground. Signed, A drummer".

The drummer then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent him home to show it to his parents. The next morning the drummer checked, and sure enough, a paper bag was sitting beneath the pecan tree. The drummer opened up the bag and found the $10,000 with a note that said, "How could you do this to a fellow drummer?"

How do you know It's a drummer that's faxing you?
There'll be a stamp on the upper right corner

Son to his mother: "Mom, when I grow up I want to be a bassist!"
Mother to her son: "Well you can't do both."

Why did the bassist stare at the orange juice?
Because it said concentrate on the carton.
Seeing as we seem to be targeting drummers...

How do you confuse a drummer??
Put him in a room full of spades and tell him to take his pick.
