Anthrax kicked ass at First Ave in Minneapolis

Ace Warloch

New Metal Member
I'm new to these forums so I hope I am useing properly. Does the band read this, or is this forum just for the fans? Regardless, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for being able to see the ultimate lineup of Anthrax; something I thought I would never get to see.
I've happily seen two incarnations of the amazing spectacular disease with Jon Bush and I've seen Joey Belladonna on his solo tour singing and playing drums at the same time - totally kickass! Joey is the only band member I've had the chance to talk to and I have to say he is one of the coolest down to earth big time thrashers I've ever chatted with. Very sincere. Very real. Thanks Joey, I'll never forget how much fun you instigated at the Lab/4th St Station.
That said, the show at First Ave in Minneapolis was phenomenal despite Scotts wireless getting fucked in a spray of water. It would be cool if Karma had a webcam so we can all find out what will happen to the asshole responsible as a result - hahaha. I could go on endlessly about how awesome the show was but the bottom line is the world is a very shitty place for a lot of us to live and to experience a show like I did last night was a dream come true. It inspired hope and other wordless feelings in this aging metalhead. Thanks for working out whatever difficulties you guys had. I know how hard it is to get 5 people to agree on anything as I've been trying to form my own band - freakin nightmare to find the right people. So I personally totally appreciate any and all effort it took.

I love Anthrax. Hell, my senior quote in my High School yearbook ('90) was "Among the Living." Maybe if you guys come back to Minnesota you can sign my yearbook? Would be very cool.

Particular message for the band: The present classic line-up of Anthrax is more than just a line-up unlike the other line-ups (and I don't mean to dis' anybody). Your collective personalities and inventive quirks of musical style have added up to create an iconic persona that even bands of the stature of Metallica can't hold a candle to. For myself and many others, there is no-one in the current line-up that is replaceable - unlike most other big bands. I don't even really consider Anthrax a band. I think of Anthrax as an amazing personality unto it's own. A personality that provides some of the greatest, wittiest, and fun metal the world has ever known. And I mean this in the best way possible. Please excuse my lack of better words.

Well, if anybody has bothered to read this far. Thraxin thanx for listening!