Anthrax mentioned in Phx Hard Rock Cafe commercial...FUCKERS!!

excuse me, don't compare me to that fat slab if idiocy named milano. I can take a joke with the best of them and my many friends online and offline know this. You came at me with the first blow so don't tell me to take a joke. You should introduce yourself to me before you tell me how big my head is:lol:

Junior???:eek: thanks calling me that, I love being called junior at 31 just like I like being carded at concert clubs. I guess you could have called me worse.

And you're older than me!! If you were a (vain) woman, Sean, you'd be pretty damn happy about it. I think it's funny, unless I forget my wallet, then it sucks ass. Everyone looks at me like they're soooo sure I'm underage, and then I get to laugh at them when they're wrong. Bastards.

Actually, my husband carded me too. We met when I was 18 and he waited til I fell asleep and looked in my wallet. He was positive I lied about it. He still takes shit for it too. :lol: He swears up and down he'd have told me to go home and call him on my bday. But we all know better, now don't we?? :eek:

No, Jigsaw, I wasn't offended. It takes a lot to offend me. Just don't talk shit about BUSH and we're cool, K???
Yes, I get carded. I had hair on my driver license. Idiot ARizona as I can have this card for 12 years before needing new pic and don't have to renew it for along time.

I now look like scott with my bald head and goatee so they always stare at me.:rolleyes: It is me silly:lol: