Anthrax Neon Lights?


Aug 14, 2003
Does anyone remember these things selling all the time on ebay back in 2006-2007?


They used to go for like $9 and $19 shipping. I always wanted one, but thought "well fuck it's something new, and this vintage stuff isn't always gonna be around, so I'll keep buying it and buy the sign later". Well the damn sign is nowhere to be found now.
There's signs like it, slipknot signs, iron maiden signs, but no Anthrax signs.
Did anybody get one of these??
The reason I ask is because now I'd really like one to put on my Anthrax display case.. I've got a case filled with Anthrax stuff (as much as I could fit in it anyways) and I think it'd look awesome on top of it...
Here's a picture of my case, just for the fuck of it:

If anyone has one for sell, send me a PM and we'll work something out... I've tried writing all the guys who are selling the Slipknot and Iron Maiden lights on ebay but I haven't gotten a reply yet, and it's been a couple weeks, so I'm assuming they don't have them.
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I noticed there was a guy selling the Anthrax light on the Japanese Yahoo! auction site (the one you can never find the regular color NOTMAN dolls, but it always has the Gold color ones) a couple months ago. But I'd have no idea how to contact him.. Really should've grabbed one back in the day!
Alright guys, I'm on a lead now.. I found guy in China who makes all these custom lights, so I just wrote him and asked if he could make a custom Anthrax one, and I sent him the picture of the one which I've put up on top of this post. Hopefully he can, if so I'll post the dude's contact information so whoever else wants one can grab one too.
Hopefully this don't take me as long to find as the Notman doll did. Gold ones are as common as rocks to find, and cheap too. But the regular color ones were extremely difficult and really expensive, lol.
So I know this an old post but I have one of these and I signed up for this site specifically to ask if anyone knows any kind of information that i can use to search for a replacement bulb. I can't seem to find much of anything about it elsewhere. I don't remember any useful information about it.. or much of anything in the early 2000's.... A maker's name would be very helpful, a bulb size would even better but anything helps. it's been hanging in the dark for far too long. There aren't any marking anywhere that I can see besides what was on the bulb before I accidentally smashed to pieces.


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Thanks for the info. So close! I didn't see bulbs for sale but I sent an e-mail with my question. These signs are very similar to the Anthrax one and perhaps it even came from here. If not, I imagine that they would need a supplier and may be able to point me in the right direction.

Here's one for sale, with a description. I think that answers the original question as well as mine:
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