Anthrax on Uranium

Feb 11, 2002
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For those that dont have much music usa uranium is a metal/rock show. Tonight I caught the last 15 seconds of an interview that John Bush was giving with that hot chick who hosts the show. Then they broke away into the Black Lodge video. Was anyone else lucky enough to catch the whole thing?
I caught the video, but missed the interview.
I'll have to keep my eyes open.
My wife noticed that the chick was from Dharma & Greg.
That show was rocking that day, they played the shortened version of "One" too.
Was Black Lodge shortened also, I thought it was, but time flies when your having fun.:lol:
I caught a little bit of it. Bush's wife was with him during the interview and he was talking about how easy it is to get laid when your in a band and some other shit about how great his wife is. I was in the middle of cleaning my aquarium so I wasn't able to pay attention like I wanted to. But like TD said it'll rerun dozens of times so I'll catch it later
the last time i saw a anthrax video was on mtv2 was when the lostwankers ie the lostpropets selectred it

how the fuck are the lostpropets infulenced by anthrax and faith no more they play shitty pop stuff anthrax play metal
I could stand that show if it weren't for Juliya. (The host that curses way too much to be genuine) What a joke. Then the one time they show a Slayer video (War Ensemble), they cut out the 1st solo then cut off the end of the video.