Anthrax @ Wembley Report


Aug 19, 2002
London, England
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Last night was the final UK date of the tour at Wembley Arena. Of course I couldn't wait but was wishing it was at a nicer, smaller venue.
When I arrived Hawkwind were on, they were doing some song about Hashish of something and they had fire breathing stuff. It looked cool, but I needed fuel before Anthrax so off to the food area.
Anyway, I made my way to front for thrax and they started with that intro music, the setlist was the same they've done for the tour so far (not sure bout the order):

Among the Living
Got the Time
Room for One More
Inside Out
I am the Law
Bring the noise

John sounded AMAZING, he really belted out everything and gave an extra kick to the old Joey songs. Scott looked very intense, he was really pumped up. Frankie was running around like a madman trying to whip up the crowd (especially the lazy people in the seats!). Rob looked like he fit in more than I thought he would and his solos looked good BUT........... I couldn't hear them at ALL!! The mix was so bad, I couldn't hear any bass or lead guitar for the whole set. I wouldn't say it ruined it for me, but I really wanted to hear the solos and I didnt even notice that they'd started Got the time when the bass intro started.

Oh, nearly forgot, Scott said the release date would be Feb!

Still they totally rocked and I know next time they'll be back and headlining at a nice venue with hopefully some decent sound engineers!

BTW, Motorhead were good as expected, but I was so tired after thrax that I just stood and watched.

Anyone else there last nite, I hope I'm not the only one complaining about sound. My hearing isn't that screwed up is it? :D
u aint the only one complaining about the sound. it was way too loud. especially when i was at the front the whole night. i could stand anthrax but motorhead seemed even louder and when he did the solos it was just stupidly loud. im pretty deaf this morning, im hoping it goes away soon cos its very annoying. Anthrax where pretty damn good, its a shame they didnt do a brilliant set. they did too much newer stuff for my liking. also, they didnt do A.I.R, Madhouse or N.F.L. that kinda sucked. but other wise it was a great night.
its a shame you missed the first band, they were pretty good. their singer was damn hot.
luckily i was further back for motorhead plus i think my hair shielded me from some of the sound :D
the guitarist was going through 12 marshall cabinets, maybe thats where the song overkill came from!!

so im assuming u didnt hear any of robs solos either then? at least its not just me.

ouch, my ears hurt, i better go listen 2 reign in blood........
yea, tis a shame. it spoiled the night really. i was at the front for all 4bands. when i got home i had nasty headache, plus i was sick. twas great. hehe. its a shame the place was so big aswell. if u got stuck behind some big person u kinda cant see jack.
anthrax are supposedly touring engand again soon, this time they arent supporting. i shall try and get more info on that. what did you think of the set?
i thought it was a good balance. 3 songs off Among was a good number, although maybe they should've done 2 + 1 from spreading or fistful. Antisocial and Got the Time sounded good. Bring the Noise is a waste of time basically, at least Scott took some responsibility for the "millions of shitty bands" that were spawned from it. The stuff from SOWN and inside out would've been brilliant but I really needed more than rhythm guitar, drums and vocals. I reckon John sounded brilliant, as did Scott and Charlie.

I sure hope they are doing a headlining tour, it would probably be at brixton or the astoria which would totally be wicked.
yea, twas cool. hopefully they play the astoria. i like that venue, its nice and small and whereever you go u can pretty much see the band. also your closer to the stage. also i prob couldnt go to the brixton one. which sucks. so im just hoping its the astoria.
Bring The Noise is a waste of time???? Dude....! I'm fucking looking 4ward to hearing that song in Munich! (FIVE DAYS! FIVE DAYS! FIVE DAYS!)
I went to see them in Glasgow and Anthrax fucking rocked!!!
I only wish they had a longer set they were awesome, the sound was damn fine but motorhead were too loud and I was totally deaf afterwards.
I waited years to see them live and I was not dissapointed I cannot wait for the return