Anthrax's link to The Beatles


Imported Killer
Neil Turbin played in Anthrax
Neil Turbin played in School of Hard Knocks with Kurt James
Kurt James played in Driver with Rudy Sarzo
Rudy Sarzo played in Whitesnake with Neil Murray
Neil Murray played in Black Sabbath with Bev Bevan
Bev Bevan played in Electric Light Orchestra with Jeff Lynne
Jeff Lynne played in The Traveling Wilburys with George Harrison
George Harrison played in The Beatles

Or how about Anthrax to Porno for Pyros?

Neil Turbin played in Anthrax
Neil Turbin played in School of Hard Knocks with Kurt James
Kurt James played in Driver with Rudy Sarzo
Rudy Sarzo played in Whitesnake with Ian Paice
Ian Paice played in Deep Purple with Tommy Bolin
Tommy Bolin played in James Gang with Joe Walsh
Joe Walsh played in The Eagles with Bernie Leadon
Bernie Leadon played in Flying Burrito Brothers with Chris Hillman
Chris Hillman played in The Byrds with David Crosby
David Crosby played in Crosby Stills Nash and Young with Neil Young
Neil Young played in Neil Young with Eddie Vedder
Eddie Vedder played in Pearl Jam with Jack Irons
Jack Irons played in Red Hot Chili Peppers with Dave Navarro
Dave Navarro played in Janes Addiction with Perry Farrell
Perry Farrell played in Porno For Pyros

I got this from
It's pretty sweet.
It's not 100% accurate though.
It uses this argument:
X played in Band Y
Z played in Band Y
Ergo, X played with Z.

But that's not completely accurate. For example, Dave Mustaine never played in Metallica with Kirk Hammet. But that would be a lot more difficult to program. And it's generally true anyway. Dave Mustaine played in Metallica with James Hetfield who played in Metallica with Kirk Hammet. I know I am rambling. I just don't like how they state it.

Pardon me if this was posted on the board durring my sabatical.
Justin, you have way too much time on your hands, dude. But that once again proves the fan in you is alive and kickin'! I salut you, sir.:headbang:
I fucking hate the beatles. Especially paul 'sanctimonious git' mccartney. Anyone would think nobody ever made music before the beatles turned up the way some people go on about 'em (well over here anyway)

I don't hate 'em....I just don't buy the whole "love each other" bullshit. The world is shit and that music doesen't hold up in these times. i think the last time i listened to them i was like 10 or something, then i saw the world for what it really is. HATE. And a shit ton of it.
It's not that I have too much time on my hands (great Styx reference there :lol: ), I just don't know how to spend my time properly. I found that site while searching Google for Crab Society North.

MindMorgue, Charlie Benante is a HUGE Beatles fan. So is Ozzy. They were an influence on a lot of bands or a lot the influences of other bands.
I'm glad my useless, inane knowledge of STYX finally got a laugh! Ppl here are like "whut?" or "huuuh?' As far as the BEATLES I can see the reasons they inspired OZZY. If Charlie digs 'em, that's cool. I still bust out a cd from time to time, but I can't call myself a fan.........I still think Lennon deserved to live though. I hope Mark Chapman is burning in hell.:devil:
Mark Chapman is still alive, right?

No innocent human being deserves to die.

Here is what Congressman James Traficant (Democrat-Ohio) had to say:

September 27, 2000
Mr. Speaker, John Lennon's murderer says he should be set free, and even John Lennon, who was a liberal, would agree he should be set free.

Think about it. Chapman said, `My mental illness is over. I am eating, I am breathing, I am even singing and playing the guitar.'

Now, if that is not enough to throw up, let us remember Chapman's testimony. `I asked Lennon for his autograph. He gave it to me. It was a ploy. I killed him. It was not his signature I wanted, I wanted his life.'

Beam me up. Mark Chapman deserves an electric chair, not an electric guitar.

I yield back the fact that America, that tolerates murderers like Mark Chapman, is an America that promotes and tolerates more murderers.

I yield back the life of John Lennon.
I thought he died in prison! He should get the chair like all the other murdering scum. Whatever happened to being punished for your crimes? It reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies THE PUNISHER w/ dolph lundgren. Also used in the BIOHAZARD song PUNISHMENT. The line is "Come on god, answer me. Why are the guilty alive and the innocent dead. Where is justice? Where is punishment? Or have you already found justice? Have you already found ME?"The world truly does need a hero.:mad:
I love the Beatles...but after they started the hardcore drugs. I can't get into that "Love Me Do" crap. What a load. That's the shit you make fun of your mom for ever liking it. Just like my kids are gonna be like Pantera?? God mom, you are OLD!!!

Excuse me while I sign just up for some Time Management classes.
The Beatles were always playing when i was a kid, so I've always been a fan. Unfortunately, my mom also played a lot of Carol King, Jim Croce and Loggins & Messina. Now that my dirty, little childhood secret is out, I can still post here, right?

The Beatles where a great rock and roll band. One thing to remember about Anthrax is that they are a band that has always supported different styles and opinions. Proof of that was the tour they did with Public Enemy years ago.
One thing to remember about Anthrax is that they are a band that has always supported different styles and opinions. Proof of that was the tour they did with Public Enemy years ago.

Not to mention the fact that they've covered artists like Joe Jackson,The Smiths,The Temptations,and The Beastie Boys....

Revolution was a heavy song for them and so was Helter Skelter. The funny thing is that even their heaviest songs were hits as well as their pop ones or ballads. Sgt. Peppers was a cool album for the Beatles. I guess you could compare Anthrax and say they went through a Rap phase instead of a psychedelic one.:loco:
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I love the Beatles...but after they started the hardcore drugs. I can't get into that "Love Me Do" crap. What a load. That's the shit you make fun of your mom for ever liking it. Just like my kids are gonna be like Pantera?? God mom, you are OLD!!!

Excuse me while I sign just up for some Time Management classes.

Agreed, anything before Rubber Soul and esp. Revolver (quite possibly the greatest record ever) is kinda sappy. I love the Beatles, the Beatles, Elton John, the Who, this is the kinda stuff that was playing when I was a kid at my house. As well as AC/DC, Zeppelin, Boston, Kansas, so it was natural for me to grow up to be a metal head.
Yeah my sister used to drop me in my crib (she's 10 years older) and play Led Zeppelin, the Doors, Bad Company, AC/DC, etc. My mom always threw a fit, but it wasn't my sister's fault we shared a room. My mom is the type that blames heavy metal for all the evil in the world. My sister then let me play all her music when she wasn't home, probably to make up for the fact that she kept me up all night with her snoring :lol: :lol: :lol: Damn I was happy when she moved out!! LOL (She waited til she was 26, but that's another story :) )

p.s. I just read that post, I meant Justin not "just." I should probably put myself in a typing class while I'm at it!!!
...Trust me I know. I honestly won't have enough money to move out of my parents house for at least another year. I wanna wait until I can buy a place, rent seems like such a waste. 24 and still at home, god what is wrang with me:confused: Oh well, I remember reading an interview with Charlie somewhere along the line where he mentioned that he, Frankie, and Scott didn't move out of their parents houses until State of Euphoria, because that is when they finally had enough money to move out.
Don't feel bad--I'm 29 and I live with my sister and her brother in law, but paying rent is like throwing your money away every month.
I'll be here at my sister's until I can buy a house. Fuck rent!
I had to pay rent a coupla years in college. What a waste. The two times I've moved in with a girl had I had to throw in for rent, again a waste. I'm content to dwell in the parental units basement w/ a gamecube, macintosh, and a cellphone like any true generation x'er would do! OK, really, I can't wait to get out and stake my claim in the world, but i just can't do that tomorrow, so we'll see.
I was gonna say that in my last reply, but I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.:)
You must have read my mind, or something.
Hang in there, brother. Our days of living in sister/parent's basement will end sometime.
I have to say that without Elvis,no Beatles, without Beatles, No Sabbath, without Sabbath, No Kiss, without Kiss ....nO tHRAX!
God bless john,Paul, and George........Oh! and Ringo.