anthrax's rerecording songs getting thrashed

they are a bunch of in their own clique thrash metal folks that are almost as bad as the black metal scene that keep to themselves. they pretty much call anyone that likes anthrax now even if you have been a fan for a long time a nu-thrax fan.
All those guys from Tales From the Pit are douchebag loosers...Fuck them and their mother.

I got banned from that forum too. Jerry the owner of the site is jelous of me, because I own the domain
I just went and registered, that board, well, kinda sux. What the hell is up with their rules and their, "if you lose access to the board..." people have to use the board for it to stay up...hmmmm...great board.
what a bunch o cry baby fags... its sad that you guys have to be all worried about another board realizing Assthrax for the bunch o $ellout losers that they are.

why do you fags even bother to come over and post on the board and act like you want to be there if you're soooooo offended that other people don't like them?
pest666 said:
what a bunch o cry baby fags... its sad that you guys have to be all worried about another board realizing Assthrax for the bunch o $ellout losers that they are.

why do you fags even bother to come over and post on the board and act like you want to be there if you're soooooo offended that other people don't like them?
It's sad that you came here to tell us that. It's also sad I am bothering to tell you this.
tattooedsean666 said:
they are a bunch of in their own clique thrash metal folks that are almost as bad as the black metal scene that keep to themselves. they pretty much call anyone that likes anthrax now even if you have been a fan for a long time a nu-thrax fan.

First off, what kind of grammar is that? And you're calling the people at TFTP "toothless hicks"? Second, it's a private board and it's not open to the public. It's by membership only. If you don't like the rules or the way it's run, don't go there. But to whine on message boards and post links encouraging people to go over there and start flame wars is pure immature faggotry.

It's sad that you came here to tell us that. It's also sad I am bothering to tell you this.
It's even sadder that we had to come over to tell you this. It seems that banning a few of you little kids didn't send the message. We did get quite the laugh watching all you 12 year olds cry about Anthrax criticism and attempt to storm a message board with attempts to win the affection of your hero, Scott Ian. Who btw, is a cool dude...but I'm sure he gets quite embarassed to see that this is the way Anthrax fans act.

Devin_Damien What a bunch of bullshitters. I was in and outta there in 5 seconds flat. Not even worth the effort. Ignore the Blasphemers. Thrax is the shit.
When people attempt to go to a message board with the intentions of stirring up shit, they get banned. It's that simple.

Riehlthing I just went and registered, that board, well, kinda sux. What the hell is up with their rules and their, "if you lose access to the board..." people have to use the board for it to stay up...hmmmm...great board.

It is a great board. It's hopping with thrash discussion and minimal bullshit because we weed out the dumbasses like you people. Unlike this dead ghost town of a board, we have members of Exodus, Vio-lence, Death Angel, Dark Angel, Nuclear Assault and many others posting there. But you just whine and piss and moan on your fabulous board. :lol:

Thrashard925 All those guys from Tales From the Pit are douchebag loosers...Fuck them and their mother.

I got banned from that forum too. Jerry the owner of the site is jelous of me, because I own the domain

Jerry the guy that organized TOTT with Walter Morgan is jealous of YOU? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Get a life, retards.
Thrashard925 said:
All those guys from Tales From the Pit are douchebag loosers...Fuck them and their mother.

I got banned from that forum too. Jerry the owner of the site is jelous of me, because I own the domain

I got news for you Thrashhard...nobody on the TFTP board is "jelous" of you you little internet tough's pretty clear that you are the jealous one, after having embarrassed yourself on our board...and calling somebody a douchebag "looser" illustrates just what a pussy you are.

You can stick that domain name up your ASS, because real thrash fans know that you didn't have anything to do with the real THRASH OF THE TITANS.