Anti Kamelot?

Roy Khan's voice irks me almost as much as Kamelot's music bores me. Which is sad, because it's obvious that they put a lot of passion into their music. But yeah. I really really HATE Kamelot.

As for those people who stayed in the auditorium and complained about them, they need to lighten up. I'll bet you more than anything that I hate Kamelot more than they do, but I didn't waste any time or antagonize anybody by bitching about them. There's no point in that. I snapped a few photos, tried for a few moments to figure out why they are so popular, and left. I'd much rather socialize with all the great people that went to the festival than complain about a band I've almost forced myself to like.

Besides, POS and Savatage made it all worth it.
man, I dont see any reason for any anit-kamelot. They f*ing were great! Some sound problems like all festivals. At least they put on a show, no tee shirts and cargo pants. My only critizism is not playing "The Fourth Legacy", but the "metalheads" probably wouldnt like that. War Kamelot, War POS, War Savatage - the only three bands with originality.

I am really not into Kamelot, though I do like some melodic bands like Vanden Plas, but you will never hear me complain about them. Several of the band members hung out with fans after the show etc. and the ones I met seemed like great guys. They took the stage, worked hard and were professional and that's all one can ask. That style of music is not going to have the type of energy a Tad Morose, Brainstorm, Into Eternity or Edguy is able to produce dur to the melodic nature of their songwriting. I don't think Khan would go over well using.... say Tobias' schtick. Their CDs have their own unique character to them as does their live performance.

tattooedsean666 said:
It wasn't my cup of tea but instead of being rude, I took a few pics and then hung out in hallway or the restaurant.

Exactly, Into Eternity is totally not what I like for example. Obviously they have something for somebody. I dont see the point of slamming IE. I love the KamShow and it seems many of us did.

To me (and this was what made me like Conception so much), Roy Khan is the Y2K version of Don Dokken. And hearing some of these moderate complaints makes me think it even more because a lot of people used to say that DD was too polished and not "rocking" enough. Those dudes usually listened to Ratt.

I love DD in his prime and I love Roy Khan's voice now. I like the emotive qualities as well as the range in which he (they) can (could) sing.

If you can't find anything else to do besides dog-out a band that you don't like at PP...

well maybe you are beyond help.
Were a lot of people around you / you really against Kamelot? I was looking forward to them a lot, and think they are awesome... But there were like 3 guys behind me complaining about Kamelot, and being like "What the Hell" about them. One guy to me left fell asleep!!!! While his friend looked miserable and angry.... My friend sat to my right, and he said the guy next to him hated them.

Well I was the one asleep. All of their songs (especially in the chorus) were almost the same it was just a nice oppurtunity to snooze. After Tad kicked my face I was tired and went to sit down in the first place I could. I stood up for a few songs and saw what appeared to be a new 'Maroon 5' singer standing there singing and nothing else. I closed my eyes in shame and that was 'lights out!' as Zak Stevens would have said had he been there.

Personally I liked the guitar, riffs, rhythms, and the actual music of Kamelot, however, their singer is far from 'god', as some have said. In fact, I think he just ruins their 'mood'. To me he just comes off as not really being into the music. He just doesn't have the 'energy' about him that the really great metal singers have. Tim Owens (Iced Earth era) live is amazing and does things that are unbelievable. Urban Breed just exhumes energy. Jon Oliva makes a connection with everyone in the crowd. Tom Englund has emotion coming out of everything including his hair. Alexi Laiho (although death metal vocals) breathes excitement and raw power.

It's not always about the voice but how the singers present that voice. Khan just doesn't present himself to be powerful, exciting or energetic, and therefore I don't perceive him to be. He gets up there and sings. Forgive me for saying this but big deal. In my book you have to do more to be considered great.
Just my opinion. Rock on :headbang:
The Coming Curse said:
Tim Owens (Iced Earth era) live is amazing and does things that are unbelievable.
I agree with a ton of what you said but i have to disagree here, at least from the show i saw. When i saw him with Judas Priest he was awesome, all over the stage and really getting into it. with Iced Earth, he just stood in one place and started half-headbanging a few times. I also couldn't hear the vocals too well at that show (Iced Earth/Children of Bodom/Evergrey at the Masquerade in Atlanta) so that didn't help. What i heard of him did sound really good though.

I am a Kamelot fan, since 98, but I had not seen them live.
I was Very pleased with the performance. I will again go out of my way to see them in the future.
I heard no negative comments. And did I hear two guys next to me comment after they played "I would hate to follow them".
I do understand that there were sound problems.

The band did hang around after the show and talk to fans that is true.
We were fortunate and got to go back stage...