antiwar rally/valentine's day + snow = STUCK IN NEW YORK FOR FOUR DAYS


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
right, so, the antiwar rally in NYC was pretty cool, and a ton of fun. there were of course hundreds of thousands of idiots there, and another few hundreds of thousands of ignorant/misguided people, but there were also (hundreds of?) thousands of people with the right fucking idea, in my opinion. and the cops and protestors were both generally really respectful and nice to each other where I was standing (50th and 3rd).

and then i saw Rent, and the Museum of Sex, and then I got stuck in the city for an extra day and a half. I had called in fake-sick for Monday on Sunday afternoon, so if Boston College hadn't cancelled work entirely on Tuesday, I would have had to lie even more and say I was sick again, 'cause I can't really use the "stranded in New York" excuse after telling them i was too sick to move one day before. But they did and it all worked out, although I am several hundred dollars broker.

you can read the full story of the weekend in my livejournal if you are cool enough to know the secret username.
I could have told them I was stuck IF I hadn't lied on Sunday and said the reason I wasn't going to be in on Monday was that I was sick. Lies build upon lies.

There is no Bjork song--literally the ONLY good band is the Cure. There must be dozens of MTV Unplugged DVDs and this is the sucky one.