Anxiety Disorders

oh yeah anxiety other than depression is my biggest problem. I have to say cause i know so many people on them, careful on the benzos, they do more bad than good. personally, and i do not know if i can discuss this on here. Since i live in california, i went and got a prescription for medicinal cannabis. Honestly, i do not take other drugs, i take vitamins and will either eat or vaporize some type of thc to rid my symptoms. Even though theres a lot of negative view on medicinal cannabis, i have to say its helped me with anxiety/depression A LOT.
yeah, weed actually helps

depends on how much you smoke. after smoking almost a quarter pound every two days for about 2 years I had horrible anxiety during abstinence, although nothing like withdrawing from alcohol abuse. It was pretty bad for a few months and got better, so my point is just make sure you don't do tons of it like I did and you'll be fine. just take breaks in between smoking sessions, 4-5 times a week imo and the anxiety wont be as bad.
I used to get anxiety but now I don't let it control me anymore, you can see the signs of it coming and start a breathing pattern. Breath in for 1 second and out for 3. I haven't had an anxiety attack for 5 years after learning that. I used to be agoraphobic but now I am "cured". If I see the signs coming back of that sort of behaviour I can stop it before it is too extreme. Just gotta remember that you can control it, it is your mind you can stop it. Probably professional help required to learn that though.

Longterm use of weed will most likely make anxiety/depression worse. Pretty hard to get off weed, although people like to think it is not addictive, I've helped 3 people detox from it. It required a lot of work and a lot of herbs (valerian to help them sleep, st johns wort to sedate them/anti depressant) you can get other stuff that helps though ask a health food store.
the weed thing will go on a case by case basis,I stopped cold turkey after being an almost daily smoker for 10 years,reasons being work related,realizing a cool job was more beneficial than to keep on smoking,maybe the situation surrounding my stoppage helped but luckily ive had no adverse negative effects from stopping.

depends on how much you smoke. after smoking almost a quarter pound every two days for about 2 years I had horrible anxiety during abstinence, although nothing like withdrawing from alcohol abuse. It was pretty bad for a few months and got better, so my point is just make sure you don't do tons of it like I did and you'll be fine. just take breaks in between smoking sessions, 4-5 times a week imo and the anxiety wont be as bad.

a quarter POUND! i thought a quarter ounce was a lot (for like a week)

.....i have no idea how you got up to that much (not that im judging either, ive had some problems myself, its tough coming off)

Longterm use of weed will most likely make anxiety/depression worse. Pretty hard to get off weed, although people like to think it is not addictive, I've helped 3 people detox from it. It required a lot of work and a lot of herbs (valerian to help them sleep, st johns wort to sedate them/anti depressant) you can get other stuff that helps though ask a health food store.

yeah i hear people say its not addictive...but really its not physicly addictive, meaning you wont get withdrawl, but i agree coming off it is still hard, your not hungry ever, you lose a bunch of weight, and anxietey depression sets in, in no time

yeah i dunno alex, i can say that meds dont help, or at least they didnt help me...i only have believe in anxiety, cause i have it but really i just think i need to grow a pair sometimes haha (but i dont think mine is really bad)
after smoking almost a quarter pound every two days for about 2 years

Well im not touching the weed i dont want to be anymore disconnected to the real world than i allready am. My main concern is my heart rate staying so high it runs between 100 to 70 BPMs and im very afraid i might have a stroke or a heart attack. Its like any second i think i might die.
I have mixed feelings on this issue. Sometimes i feel that i have anxiety/depression and other(most) of the time i don't.When i am feeling down i have a really hard time sleeping and cannot get stupid shit out of my mind which keeps me awake.
I have mild panic attacks from time to time too. But just like someone mentioned above, sometimes you have to become tough and grow a pair of balls, it just might help you.
Chronic weed abuse over a seventeen year period(I'm now 33) has caused me to develop an anxiety disorder,I have beaten a fairly bad amphetamine addictition and had thought I'd conquered weed but it's everywhere,at work,everywhere I go...I'm a cunt of a person because of weed,some personalities should'nt use it.
"sometimes you have to become tough and grow a pair of balls, it just might help you."

This is what a father or grandparent would say. My father has said something similar on how nowadays everyone has "depression", and how the younger generation now is growing up too weak and are way too dependent on others. I can see a lot of truth in this as decades ago you couldn't just give up so easily, the times were tougher but everyone pulled through anyways. That's why I kinda cringe at the amount of posts there are like this here. I mean, we all have problems from time to time, but sometimes the most important thing is to just believe in yourself, find something you love and pursue it. Even pursue other interests. Might sound easy, or just a way to push the subject to the side for awhile, but it always helped me curve this kind of feeling for good.
I don't feel sorry for myself,just get edgy and will fight a person at the drop of a hat if they look at me the wrong way,I have done hard drugs and quit it....'sometimes you have to grow a pair" I'm a stubborn fucking mule and fought it for seventeen years,I knew the first time I smoked the shit that it made things harder for me but continued to do it and develop a really bad attitude that eventually turned into fear...fear of nothing.You're right tho,sometimes ppl use shit for so long that they are scared to quit,scared of life without a certain substance.
See what ive told my Doctor is i dont want to rely on Xanax to ease this "disorder" cause i do not want a crutch. Sice everyone here had addmitted to using drugs ive only touched over the counter painkillers and some prescription painkillers like Darvocet and Vicodin. I popped them for 16 days along with alcohol use. My doctor said that didnt cause my "disorder" that i was a number of things prolly a Caffiine overdose due to my popping BC powders that has caffine loaded in them.
While I agree that you have to be tough and grow a pair of balls, etc, I think having anxiety disorder is not really related to it, I mean, growing a pair of balls certainly isn't the treatment for it, because anxiety disorder is not voluntary, you're not hiding behind it, it's something you want to go away from your life.

I suffer from it, it's horrible, just get professional help and try to avoid drinking too much alcohol, I mean once in a while it's ok but focus on more healthy things, like jogging and things like that, I smoke cigs and drink beer here and there but I try not to lose my healthy side, it just keeps you on track. Also, weed you help making you dumber, not recommended at all.
"sometimes you have to become tough and grow a pair of balls, it just might help you."

This is what a father or grandparent would say. My father has said something similar on how nowadays everyone has "depression", and how the younger generation now is growing up too weak and are way too dependent on others. I can see a lot of truth in this as decades ago you couldn't just give up so easily, the times were tougher but everyone pulled through anyways. That's why I kinda cringe at the amount of posts there are like this here. I mean, we all have problems from time to time, but sometimes the most important thing is to just believe in yourself, find something you love and pursue it. Even pursue other interests. Might sound easy, or just a way to push the subject to the side for awhile, but it always helped me curve this kind of feeling for good.

ah yeah, i dont know if that was directed at me, because i put something similar in my response....but in my case at least ive always had a hard time asking out girls... i can talk to them fine i just get a mild panic attack right at that moment before. so what i was saying was really i just need to grow a pair of balls and go for it, instead of blaming other things and always avoiding the situation until i ending up alone and on xanex for a problem that isnt really there :lol:.

and yeah i totally agree! if im putting more effort into school or work or something, i feel 10 times better.
ah yeah, i dont know if that was directed at me, because i put something similar in my response....but in my case at least ive always had a hard time asking out girls... i can talk to them fine i just get a mild panic attack right at that moment before. so what i was saying was really i just need to grow a pair of balls and go for it, instead of blaming other things and always avoiding the situation until i ending up alone and on xanex for a problem that isnt really there :lol:.

and yeah i totally agree! if im putting more effort into school or work or something, i feel 10 times better.

It was a general statement.