Any advice drumsound?

Nice stereo seperation. I love the toms, but the floor tom could use some more meat(just my preference though)
Thanks everyone for the comments.

I am mainly interested in making the drums sound a bit less natural and more "electric" (toms on Pantera's "Vulgar Display of Power" come to mind). The drummer keeps complaining that it sounds too much like the natural set and too little "like a cd" ... :)

Problem is, once I start using samples the natural expression gets lost.

This is the setup:

I reduced some low frequencies because I think they'll be clashing with the bass in the full mix, will have to wait and see till all the other instruments are there.

Yea, that's true. Any advice?
If you want to make the kit sound less natural, try scooping the mids a touch on the toms, and maybe add a notch to the high where the hit is - if you can make them almost click they'll sound more artificial (though personally I like the sound as it is).

With the snare there's quite a lot of ringing, which I'm not a fan of - maybe cut a bit at around 3kHz and boost a little below this (around 1kHz)? If it snaps more and doesn't ring, it'll sound more like a bit more machine-like. Try boosting around 200-300Hz to add some fatness.

Thanks for all the input! Very helpful indeed!

New try:

Added a snare sample and it gives it more firmness. I'll look into the idea with the reverbs. Where would be the advantage of having only the samples trigger the reverbs? Less wash from the bleed/rest of kit?

@Suicide As Alibi:
Tried that on the toms and I like it. I already had cut significant midrange from the original sound so I thought that I had exhausted all the options there. Now I sent all the processed toms to a subgroup and EQed them again. Sounds cool. I do like ringing snares, especially with slower drums like these.