Any advice on like, doing vocals and shit, particularly while playing an instrument?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Looking for advice because my band told me tonight "we're gonna start doing 3-part harmonies dude, work on them shitz." I have a good ear and can carry a tune, but I've never honestly worked on vocals, and singing while playing is pretty impossible except while strumming on some basic chords on acoustic geeeeeeeeeetar.

Any like, pointers and shit? Besides practice practice practice, which I'm about to get to anyhow? Thanks and dump.
well, practice practice practice. If you know what to play and the vocal lines really really well as in play them while asleep-well it's not really that hard, but if you don't it's not fucking easy.
Yeah, you need to learn the guitar/bass parts until you can do them with your eyes closed and thinking of porn.

Ever tried singing "Holy Wars" while playing? It's tough, but if you master the riff changes, the vocals become easier to deliver. The quality of vocals is a different discussion altogether.

The hardest song to play and sing at the same time for me is "Battery". Man, I dunno why but the riff and vocal pattern is just at odds and ends for me.