To me they don't sound too bad especially after some processing. He could use better enunciation as other have said. Also really listen to them in the music. I bet in the music it will cover up a lot as long as he is in time which is the most important.
I think when you are too close and you want your project to be totally pro and awesome, but sometimes what you have is actually fine, your standards are just too high. From my perspective I have saved vocals waaaay worse than this.
So being your own band, try really hard not to overthink it and the let the vocalist go for it. Add distortion if you have too, focus on making it exiting and aggressive and in time, but focus less on tone.
With inexperienced vocalists, I have let them hold like an SM7 on the stand top pulled out like a stick. Angled it bent over. I also let them take an SM58 and hold it with the monitors or even PA speakers going. Or sometimes a D5 for more clarity. But with some cleaning up, gating, and have him face the speakers/pa so you have the mic null. You would be surprised how usable it sounds. And if the aggression and excitement is there, you are golden.
They have to feel comfortable so make them run around, treat it like a rehearsal or show. Some just need to hold the mic and have loud music around them. I get it.
I think when you are too close and you want your project to be totally pro and awesome, but sometimes what you have is actually fine, your standards are just too high. From my perspective I have saved vocals waaaay worse than this.
So being your own band, try really hard not to overthink it and the let the vocalist go for it. Add distortion if you have too, focus on making it exiting and aggressive and in time, but focus less on tone.
With inexperienced vocalists, I have let them hold like an SM7 on the stand top pulled out like a stick. Angled it bent over. I also let them take an SM58 and hold it with the monitors or even PA speakers going. Or sometimes a D5 for more clarity. But with some cleaning up, gating, and have him face the speakers/pa so you have the mic null. You would be surprised how usable it sounds. And if the aggression and excitement is there, you are golden.
They have to feel comfortable so make them run around, treat it like a rehearsal or show. Some just need to hold the mic and have loud music around them. I get it.