Any alternative to waves bass rider?

When you guys use bass/vocal rider or similar plugins, do you do it before or after compression, or instead of compression? Do you leave some work for the compressor to level, or just use compression to sculpt the transient and use the rider for level balance?

Process your track just like you normally would, and use Bass/Vocal rider at the end of the chain. Works the best for me.
yes. imagine playing back a song and riding a fader to even out bass notes through the whole thing. or taking the time to even it out via automation. lots of time.

Yeah, I am aware of its 'theoretical' possibilities. I meant is it really like that in practice too. If so, that's great.
Anyone used Vocal Rider on bass (or Bass Rider on vocals)? Does it work?

Seems kinda silly to spend $300 on two plugins that do essentially the same thing...
Process your track just like you normally would, and use Bass/Vocal rider at the end of the chain. Works the best for me.

That's what Waves also suggests. But, the other way around is also useful IMO, because that way your compressor/s get to process signal more evenly (i.e.allows you to use them effectively for envelope altering, not for squashing the signal).
Anyone used Vocal Rider on bass (or Bass Rider on vocals)? Does it work?

Seems kinda silly to spend $300 on two plugins that do essentially the same thing...

I use Vocal Rider on bass to even out my transients to ease the load on my compressors. I've read in other forums how other people use Vocal Rider on bass too.

Waves will say that the plugins have different algorithms for their respective instrument, but I think Vocal Rider works better on Bass than it does on Vocals...

My 2c..

Haven't tried Bass Rider FYI but Vocal rider works just fine. It's like a bit of compression/dynamic control without squashing the transient/waveform!
4 band multi compressor.

I set mine about 0-60 60-150 150-400 and 400-20,000hz

Use a full band comp after as well, but i use high ratios on the multiband. 10:1 ish on the bass frequencies, so your losing 5db on average, but only light on the top band ( everything over 400hz ). make up the db loss with the individual band post gain. If any note booms, it'll get flattened out without losing brightness.

works fine for me.. ( and I can't afford another plugin of any description.. )
i always level the bass track visually using the clip gain in cubase so there's no much difference between sections or any huge peaks, and it took no more than a minute,i don't know if that would be the same as using Bass Rider but it can be a work around if you don t have the plugin.