Any band members like me?

@mousewings: i know this might actually be kinda hard to believe, but intelligence, sensitivity, good looks and a brilliant personality are not exclusive to metalheads. :) so there's tons of things you might want to share with ppl that are not into metal, perhaps it'd be even more interesting to enrich each other with different experiences, instead of spending the whole afternoon debating the use of drum machines in the new burzum (:confused: ).

@everybody: all this pillow-talk is very catchy indeed, but now it's time for action: anybody here cares to join a band to help mousewings find her soulmate?:D

@love-posters: awwww, shut up! :p :p :flame:

rahvin. (about to plunge headfirst into the discussion, no matter what he said)
Rahvin- Exactly as I feel. When you find someone out of your bussiness is always enrichement.
I believe there is nothing higher than giving and taking love.
I´m trying to base my life upon it.

Mousewings-I´d love to help you out but I already have a band.:)
There's nothing more to say, Rahvinote said all I wanted, specially the comman... er... advice to these fuckin' lovers: don't bother us!!! :yuk: (Ohhh, I forgot the "joking" tags!)

And that's true, you can look for someone out of metal, they can be chupi too.

|ngenius (Proud to be into and out of metal depending on the moment)

Thank you to everyone! I like (love? :) ) all of you!!!
I started this post as a "fun, humourous" thing; but it is so great that everyone responded in such an amazing way.

I may have misrepresented myself: I do have a family and a best friend who love me... just no guy who loves me “that way". I will keep on looking… I sometimes do feel that few people have anything in common with me, and it may be the truth. I have learned and am learning to adjust to my feelings of alienation, and not let my doubts get in the way of my happiness.

As for love, it is sadly often mangled and misinterpreted through feelings of lust, desperation, obsession, and other complex emotions. I believe very few people experience real love in the true sense, most just settle for someone they are “comfortable with” and because they do not want to search anymore. I may be one of those who have suffered from the sense of false love. I agree with VultureCulture that to truly be “in love” with a person you must know them entirely. I used to be in long distance relationship over the internet, but I had never met the guy. That was the first person I believed myself to be in love with, and I was deeply upset when it ended. I now feel I am very strange for having felt that way about someone I had never met… The connection through words of beauty and love for someone’s mind is a strong bond, but I also believe that to be in love with someone is more than just through words. The sense of being with a guy, hearing his voice and laughter, gazing into his eyes, touching and holding hands, feeling him breathe, and being so content just being with him is part of what real love is. I hope that I and everyone here experiences real love, however elusive it is to find. You all deserve it.

I feel very poetic too… despite what was playing in the background while I wrote most of my post.

As for anyone helping me to find my soulmate: be careful; if the person is one of your friends, he may not want to be your friend for long after hanging out with me. :lol: I like vandalising things with lipstick.
Love from friends and families is probably the most important love you could get. Mousewing, you're probably feeling pressured from your peers that they have boyfriends or girlfriends. Craving for "love" from significant others can make someone lonely and go crazy. Anyways..... channel your feelings into art or hardcore Heavy Metal music. :)
@Arch: You're right, but the love from your friends, the love from your family and the love from your mate are the three pieces of the cake, none has more trascendence than each other. Wish we all could complete and eat the entire cake.

And sometimes, when you're long time without one of the three pieces, it seems you need specially that part, that's all. I actually miss the presence of someone by my side, and you can be sure I'm not under any kind of pressure. :zzz:

|ngenius (CARPE DIEM)

|ngenius, people can do just fine without having the three pieces of cake.
It all depends on how happy you are with yourself. If a person is not happy with themselves, they probably want a boyfriend/girlfriend to make them feel complete. Then a downward spiral cycle begins because that person can't find a boyfriend/girlfriend, thus making that person feel even more worthless. Long story, short... just be happy with yourself.
Yep, but there are many ways to feel self-assured, and the things needed to live are differents on each person. Ppl can feel fine in many ways, and feel down of course. So, you can't decide what is wrong or right, what they need or don't.

Often, ppl that find a mate easily than others don't think it's absolutely necessary to have that part, 'cos isn't a lack for them. Isn't easy to feel as complete with yourself when you're alone.

Of course, to have a mate isn't a requeriment to live, but you can live sleeping in the street and eating roots, and you won't, will you?

The key is to live in equilibrium, tasting and enjoying your piece of cake and trying to adcquire the other pieces.

|ngenius (Self-assured, but knowing what is to be alone and need/diserve more)
Yes, I agree. The key is to live in equilibrium.
I shall try to live in equilibrium. I know I don't need a significant other, but it would be nice. It is also true that people do feel pressured to have a boyfriend of girlfriend. The weird thing is that when I was in high school, the majority of people I knew were single. (I don't think college counts since everyone in my class is much older than me)

It is true that trying to find a mate to achieve happiness is a cycle of despair. A friend of a friend of mine has had 4 boyfriends in the span of 4 years by just dating someone to have a boyfriend.

The real solution is to be happy with oneself and not fall into a cycle of self-loathing. I happily don't feel any less of a person by not having anyone.

As for music, I listen to and read stuff that helps me feel better if I am upset. I also write in a journal which helps too. I don't just listen to metal: I am especially getting into the moody, depressive sounds of David Gray's music at this time (hence my signature :) ).

I feel lonely on the weekends too. Probably as there is sometimes not much to do other than homework, and I feel I don't have much time to talk to my best friend or anyone else. I do get great marks, which makes me a bit more happy.

Originally posted by phyre

True, that. I don't even bother anymore. I just sit around listening to lots of Heavy Metal(tm). Still, I feel lonely in the weekends because I AM so goddamned lonely. Not that I'd REALLY want it any other way, I'd just complain either way. I hate human nature.. Bleh.. We don't REALLY need other people. Others can breed instead of me.

If that didn't make sense to you, that's because it doesn't.
You are not the only one to have misgivings about humanity...

I can't believe you are still single... and to top that off, you are not going to bother to look for anyone.
i don't know what exactly i want to write....but i felt i wanted tow rite sth...sorry my head is a "goldfish bowl" (skyclad quote :) ) tonight :cry:

Which piece of the cake one will chose is a matter of personal decision..what is important for somebody is crap for the other....

hmmm have you ever thought that in some cases the love from you one is turned to family love in the future?

For me the 3 pieces are equally significant... but i guess what makes me completely full is the love of the special one.....especially because it is combined with friendly love :) I mean the ideal is to be both friends and partners with your mate...
To put it more clear..having friends is something precious...but when the person you share your life with is also your best friend it's even greater,cause it is somehow 2 pieces in one..

daaaaaaaaaamn,i can't express myself tonight :(

btw,the matter of pressure to find a bf/gf applies imho to teenagers for people of an older age i can't believe it is due to a pressure that they seek someone to be with

I don't need to be with someone because i feel i have to have a boyfriend...
and definitely i don't feel unhappy for what i am..i like myself....

:cry: unconnected thoughts..i can't write tonight....

~Mel~ :cry:
well as I was reading |ng post I was thinking on what Mel posted.
I me is clearly much more importance the piece of the love. why??? well Mel sad it all!!!
I mean, of course for being a balanced being it is much welcomed a family that loves you and trustfull and tender friends....but that's only for the first years....then you'll have to leave family (in some way) and make yourself with the one you chose in the previous years....that makes that love is so important and that's why mousewings shouldn't have that urge to get "someone" to love!!!
Friends sadly come and go....but once again, love will stay....and face it, you'll have to share with him/her everything (or nearly, that's your choice) so he/she better is a good and special or things won't go that nicely!!!

you're young and this popup by chance...making effort in getting a g/f/b/f won't help....I always got my g/f specially when I didn't want to!!!!!!! unlucky me ;)

fathervic (waiting for his cake to be 3 out of 3)
So expressive, Alexandre, but I'm catalan, and far away of that "ole", hehehe. :grin:

@The "running through the beach" pair: That's it, just what I said. Everyone feels a particular way and have his/her own requeriments and wishes, these ARE the way to feel right with yourself: to go through your wishes and (try to) reach them. But I'm absolutely disagree with that fuckin' Melon too much adapted to the general pattern of the catalan ppl: Friends DON'T come and go, almost not everybody. Friends will be friends, still in the distance, still in the bad times.

And if you believe friends come and go, is just 'cos you come and go as a friend, so you're making your part to make that come true. And that's actually sad.

I'm here for everyone, despite they don't use to see me every day, despite they don't diserve any kind of help, but specially if they diserve it, and my friends of course diserve it.

@Mousewings: The way to be right with yourself is just to do what you wish, isn't bad to have romantic feelings, isn't bad to feel you need somebody to love, I feel it too.

|ngenius (You can trust: I'll be there)
For me the 3 pieces are equally significant... but i guess what makes me completely full is the love of the special one.....especially because it is combined with friendly love I mean the ideal is to be both friends and partners with your mate...
To put it more clear..having friends is something precious...but when the person you share your life with is also your best friend it's even greater,cause it is somehow 2 pieces in one..

In fact I would give up anything for my girlfriend and it doesn´t mean I feel addicted to her in some unhealthy way.
I would leave ALL my friends for her because she´s my biggest friend.:)
Originally posted by Melancholia
why don't you post your thoughts on love instead of being rude -:p-?? ;)

since i've been asked with such kindness...

love. where do we start? from the end.

when love ends, one tends to look at it with hindsight, which is a slightly more lucid context than when you're knee-deep in it or you see it as a fast-approaching train. looking back to how you felt, you see it without too many flowery alibis and possibly realize it was a deep-rooted feeling, summoned in you by a number of reasons. so: the emotion, its causes.
i don't think there's any way to set a standard as to what are universal reasons for falling in love with someone: there's ppl who finds love (the emotion) in itself for motives that might mean nothing to everybody else, and such reasons might differ in time so that what kickstarts you when you're 18 just has no effect anymore when you get 25, and there is seldom a perfect rational grasp over how personal such motives might be, or how much it's really us creating the aura of need and sainthood around the would-be partner.
there might be more or less generic guidelines: one usually doesn't fall in love with ppl he/she finds rude, ugly, passive, uninteresting and anything despicable. but even that is known to happen from time to time.
so at the end of the day i don't think there's any viable definition of the feeling-formerly-known-as-love, apart from the one the two lovers agree upon. there are ways to express what one feels that go way beyond 'i love you', which is often quite an empty formula. as long as two ppl know what they're talking about, i feel the content can be as varied as anything.

as to how much love matters and the differences between brotherly/friendly/family love and the partner-oriented one, i think most of you are happily beating around the bush. ;)
those 'three pieces of the cake' are just not the same thing. i love my friends a lot, and i think that at the moment my deepest loving feelings go out to 3-4 of my friends. this means i'd give my life for them, i actually feel very strong emotions when we are happy together, and i feel pretty bad when something's wrong between us. this, nonetheless, has nothing at all to do with any kind of exclusive, living-our-lives-together, let's-devote-our-existence-to-each-other structure i would just like to feel for one girl (at a time, at least :) ). same goes for my family.
can i live without being with an unfortunate human being we will euphemistically call 'my soulmate'? sure. as |ngenius pointed out, there's tons of things we could live without. however, it seems that most ppl find exclusive love as one of the basic aspects of their lives. why?
because our emotions stem from the place we live in. human society is founded on ppl getting together and raising a family, like it or not. one can't just spend his/her whole life watching families (or at least couples) sprouting out everywhere without feeling this is something inherently good. and you know what? i second this thought: chasing supposed soulmates and getting married and having babies and getting along through the many pitfalls of human life with your significant other is a very good thing and it certainly makes your life more complete, if not absolutely complete. so i encourage everyone here to drop the anti-everything pose and allow themselves to feel something unique, at least for a while. then i promise we'll all get back to being a bunch of dark-minded knights of doom devoting their lives to turn their broad and stolid backs to such a tricky and disappointing aspect or reality. :p

rahvin. (grinding his teeth all the time)
Two points i'd like to make:

a) Maybe some people feel they _must_ be with someone cause they are too afraid of being alone (which is bad too, cause they might choose the wrong person)

b) Is it indeed so good if the person you share your life with is also your best friend? What if you lose this person (eg break up)? You lose both your partner and your best friend. Doesn't sound very good to me....

a) you can choose the 'wrong' person even if you're not pushed by peer pressure or the likes. however, i don't agree with the view that when it comes to significant others the world is divided into two categories, namely: mr/mrs right and everybody else. some people might get along poorly while others find some kind of immediate connection (T3 level, maybe ;) ), but that's scarcely a matter of being 'wrong' or 'right' imo.

b) it's better to have a fair number of good-to-best friends, so that your significant other might as well be one without you being left completely alone if he/she is no more. on the other hand, almost every friendly or love relationship is peculiar under some aspects for those who are involved. 'replacements' i find are often destined to fail.
